crash wrote:[ As for the Fords... I don't know alot about the diesels.. I knwo they have had plugs blowing out of the heads left right and center causing in many cases a ton of damage to the head. Heli-coils and liquid metal just aren't a good fix either.. LOL
From what I understand, Ford addressed the plug issue around 2003 (or whenever it was they bumped HP with new heads). Everything I've read says the old heads didn't have enough thread area for the plugs and they could pop out. It affects all of the "modular" series of engines.
When they come out, they strip the spark plug hole and usually take out the coil for that cylinder too! Of course Ford won't admit it is a problem and won't cover it.
There is a fix though. It's similar to a helicoil, but different, and very permanent. It's not cheap to do, usually costing several hundred dollars and the head will probably have to come off if it is one of the more rearward cylinders. (This is not a Ford fix. Ford wants you to buy a new head!)
My V-10 has about 110,000 miles on it and I've decided it has "lifetime" plugs in it. What I mean is that I'm not touching them for fear one will blow out after they are changed. (I suspect many of the blow-outs occur after the plugs have been tampered with.)
And now back to your regular Mopar programing....