97CargoCrawler wrote:I uncovered this f*cking nightmare:
97CargoCrawler wrote:I uncovered this f*cking nightmare:
I'm gonna Rule 6B you on that one, Gary. I just want to see what it looks like.1Gary wrote:Got one of the Big Three upgrade done.
I despise the ABS on these vans for that exact reason. A couple weeks ago I was getting on an entrance ramp to the highway in light rain. about 5 vehicles ahead, an explorer fishtailed into the guardrail. everyone hit their brakes. When I hit mine, the van began to slide alot (I was only doing about 10 or 15 mph). I realized it wasn't going to stop in time. I cranked the wheel all the way to the right, let off the brakes, blipped the gas pedal and held on. I missed the vehicle in front by an inch at the most and ended up wiping out across the triangle shaped island at the beginning of the ramp (pretty much drifted across it back into traffic.) Thankfully there was only one vehicle remotely close to me on the road I drifted onto, and they came to a stop in a hurry (Imagine driving along and seeing a conversion van wipe out and head straight towards you). thankfully no damage occurred to my van.timelessbeing wrote:ABS strikes again.
I'm going home from work, and the driver in front of me abruptly decides to brake at an intersection. I slam on my brakes but it's too late. The road is wet, ABS kicks in, and I roll right into him. Enough to rock his SUV but not move it. Damage is very minor. I lost some paint off my bumper valence, but I checked underneath and the metal isn't deformed. The paint I lost got mashed onto his metal bumper, but again, no deformation. I'm going to pay for the repair claim out of my pocket. He mentioned he used to work for auto insurance, so I hope he doesn't take me for a ride.
So far ABS has been more of a bain than a help, and I'm seriously considering yanking the fuse permanently. It just seems way too sensitive. I wish it could be turned down. What are your experiences with it? Is anybody happy with their ABS?