Heading out, it became obvious that the cap and rotor that I need to replace was getting worse. At our first stop (Davis), I got a code- "oxygen sensor running rich." We kept on going at that point only because they put the gas in the tank already and I couldn't pay them back.
I had detailed directions on how to get there- without them I would be completely lost. I also had directions to another thing we wanted to do. Once again, I couldn't find that without them.
My friend was supposed to read them to me. However, they all thought it would be funny to give me bad directions. We were supposed to take a certain exit and turn left. They gave me the wrong exit and told me to turn right. Then they said that we were supposed to turn left (after driving nearly a mile in the wrong direction) but they never told me we used the wrong exit. At this point, I wasn't aware of the exit thing. I only found that out MUCH later. They then tore up the directions into tiny pieces, opened the slider and threw them out ON THE HIGHWAY. While we were still MOVING. I was ticked off at this point, but still trying to keep my cool. We pulled into a parking lot, and I asked someone for directions. He was describing them to me, telling me exactly where to go, when I suddenly heard the unmistakeable sound of my van firing up. I looked over and they were leaving!

I don't intend to get that group together again for a road trip. NEVER AGAIN.