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Post by MrJames »


The other day, on one of the portals, AOL, Yahoo or the like, I saw a story about Facebook Holdouts. I can't find the article now but the statistic I recall that amazed me was that 66% of the USA population is on Facebook. I don't know if that includes infants or not but however the number was derived it seems large to me.

I do and I don't understand the appeal to being a Facebooker. I comprehend that you can exchange ideas to a group of friends without a real together. This is convenient due to schedules or distance constraints of the group's members.

I agree with the Holdouts major issue being a privacy thing. The article read that a man saw a woman on an elevator. He recognized her from Facebook. He know where she went to school and lives. Her friends and other information about her favorite likes and her dislikes. She did not know him.

I decided to conduct a research experiment delving into the Facebook archives to see if there was any truth in the privacy issue. I found some of the following pages:






Then there is this Facebook thing about status. I found this educational video about the five rules for conduct on Facebook or just good manners to follow.


My judgement about anyone who is going to be on Facebook is that they need to be patience and careful about what they write. Who knows what use it will be put to ?
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Re: Facebook

Post by HPbyStan »

I think Facebook is about like everything else in our life. Has good points and bad. You need to use your head, an increasingly large problem these days it would seem.
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Re: Facebook

Post by JTalley »

I never joined FaceBook. I started to, but never did- I don't really need an account there. If I wanna talk to my friends I can call them up on the phone, go to their houses, etc. I was concerned about the privacy issues, too.

That "screenshot" was pretty funny. :muhaha:

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Re: Facebook

Post by mdmead »

I'm a Facebook fan and don't worry much about the privacy thing.

Facebook has allowed me to reconnect with a group of Air Force guys I hadn't had contact with in more than 20 years. We were a weapons loading unit and shared a lot of memories. I've also been able to reconnect with other folks I only contacted at Christmas via cards. For me, this outweighs the pitfalls.

As for privacy, I think the most important thing is to take an 'after' position, vs a 'before'. This means we don't say "we are going to the movies" or "we are going on vacation". Instead, our posts usually say "we had a great time at the movies" or "Yellowstone National Park was spectacular last week". (I won't say we are perfect in this regard, but we are very vigilent.) Our daughter also has a Facebook Page, but she must approve friends with us before "friending" and we (mostly my wife) check her page frequently. We also talk a lot with our daughter about strangers and how there are some really BAD people in the world and to be very careful.
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Re: Facebook

Post by MountainManJoe »

Facebook is not for me... Neither is writing letters.... come to think of it, I hardly like to talk on the phone! I like spending time with people though, so I know I'm not a hermit.
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Re: Facebook

Post by Smiliesafari »

Matt said it perfectly. There's nothing that can be used if you don't put it on there.
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Re: Facebook

Post by MrJames »

After much more research it is believed that the original Facebook post has been discovered.

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Re: Facebook

Post by T.Low »

Good stuff, MrJ.
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Re: Facebook

Post by MrJames »

And then there is the friends thing


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Re: Facebook

Post by markmitchinnh »

I am a face book fan but I never put private info on there I use it to link for my business website and to look up old friends.
I also use the links to VA sites auto sites ect. But I have seen some ignorant folks putting there address and what there gonna do as well advertising parties? good way to get undesirables.
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Re: Facebook

Post by MrJames »

I wonder if the 66% of USA is on Facebook statistic takes into account the number of businesses that are also on. In others words, are the businesses included in the equation like total on Facebook divided by total population ?

There is much wisdom here from the Facebook Fans. Bottom line is use wisely and watch how and what you say.

Yet it seems that many do not heed the advice given here. It seems that there are always horror stories about Facebook from job firings to murder. The following seems to be another example taken from recent news.

Facebook Image of Girl Bound With Duct Tape Leads to Joint Investigation in Chicago

A disturbing image purportedly showing a young girl bound with duct tape on her mouth, wrists and ankles has touched off a joint police and child protective services investigation in Chicago, FoxNews.com has learned.

The image, which was circulated on the Web, appears to be posted on a Facebook profile page bearing the name Andre Dmcg Curry and describes him as a 21-year-old married Chicago man.

A caption accompanying the image reads: "This is wut [sic] happens wen [sic] my baby hits me back. ; )"

When FoxNews.com, however, accessed a Facebook proflle on Tuesday apparently belonging to Curry, the image was not visible. Several attempts by FoxNews.com to contact Curry and other members of his family for comment were unsuccessful.

Officer Mike Sullivan, a spokesman for the Chicago Police Department, confirmed to FoxNews.com that the image has led to an "ongoing investigation."

Detectives have questioned Curry, who has not been placed under arrest as of midday Tuesday, Sullivan said, declining further comment.

Jimmie Whitelow, a spokesman for the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, said his agency also is investigating the image. Whitelow said DCFS officials have had no prior contact with the family.

Curry's purported Facebook profile contains several messages from Saturday referencing the image.

"Nasty dirty child abuser," one posting read. "To do this to your daughter, your flesh and blood is unbelievable."

Another posting read: "This is what happens when children have children. I won't leave a negative comment because hate breeds more hate. This boy needs prayer, education, parenting classes, and therapy."

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Re: Facebook

Post by astrozam »

Discussing F.B or even posting funny pics or comments is fine ( keep in mind our Family site status ) however, do not post ANY pics which show hardship or suffering of an individual. I do not wish to see a child tied up with duct tape on this site, this is not appropriate for our off topic forum, the pic will be removed.
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