The other day, on one of the portals, AOL, Yahoo or the like, I saw a story about Facebook Holdouts. I can't find the article now but the statistic I recall that amazed me was that 66% of the USA population is on Facebook. I don't know if that includes infants or not but however the number was derived it seems large to me.
I do and I don't understand the appeal to being a Facebooker. I comprehend that you can exchange ideas to a group of friends without a real together. This is convenient due to schedules or distance constraints of the group's members.
I agree with the Holdouts major issue being a privacy thing. The article read that a man saw a woman on an elevator. He recognized her from Facebook. He know where she went to school and lives. Her friends and other information about her favorite likes and her dislikes. She did not know him.
I decided to conduct a research experiment delving into the Facebook archives to see if there was any truth in the privacy issue. I found some of the following pages:



Then there is this Facebook thing about status. I found this educational video about the five rules for conduct on Facebook or just good manners to follow.
My judgement about anyone who is going to be on Facebook is that they need to be patience and careful about what they write. Who knows what use it will be put to ?