The Good.Well I do really like this truck.The good and bad.It is common to find the bottom of the third door rotted out on all them.Therefor to find one dent /rust free is a real issue.Also the third door handles,all of them break because they are made of plastic.JTR believe it or not sells a aluminum handle that does fix that problem.I got a sports model that does have features that are kind of nice.But that makes getting parts for it very hard.A example of that is no one makes the Y pipe for it.Believe me I have beat the bushes to try to find one so I could just do a R & R on it while replacing one of the O2 sensors and while the exhaust studs/nuts would be easy to take off because we had it off recently replacing the clutch.I did locate a company called Vintage Parts that buys all the GM obsolete parts.The Y pipe is odd in that welded to it and apart of it before the cat is a resonator.Want to guess how much Vintage Parts wants for it??. Well they have only three left and want $818.00.

The price is firm and doesn't include shipping.Well that isn't going to happen nor is a custom one built at a muffler shop for $250.00.Mine is slightly dented and I'm guessing restrictive and the joint looks like it might crack at some point.If it wasn't for the dents,I would just re-weld it.For now I am going to have it scan again to confirm the passenger side O2 sensor is the cause of the check engine light.That side looks like the oldest of the two.The cat is the typical $250 dollar range and I sure am hoping it isn't that.
So my advise is if anyone wants to buy just a shop/daily driver pick up-truck,this would be a poor choice.I do have some PM's sent out to members out of state to try to find the third door and if only because I do like this truck so much is the only reason why I will see it threw to the end.