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Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:39 pm
by andyfanshawe
Thanks Blazer.

Okay, trying to get the front grille sorted out.
This is whats left of the front grille after a session with the air saw!


This is where the red strip will go


I have also obtained a secondhand dashboard (maroon, but will be painted black) to design into a new one. In fact it is better than my grey one, so I will install the maroon(black) one and cut up my original. Photos soon.


Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:32 am
What's in the background of the last pic against the fence? Lokslike 3 pairs of car ramps maybe

Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:03 am
by andyfanshawe
Hi Blazer.
Yep, they are ramps.

Been a loong time since I did any lengthy work on my van. But, managed to get some quality time-mainly due to an local clamping firm that ....well, read on.....

I manged to obtain a dash identical to mine from a local friend who was scrapping an early van. Wrong colour (maroon), but mine has been drilled, glued, scratched and ruined by past owners and that wood effect that doesnt suit my van. So, as from earlier posts, all wiring has been routed and attached to the firewall, and all relays relocated. The dash now comes out without the wiring after disconnecting some multiplugs. 35 mins as compared to 3 hours ish!!

Here is the maroon dash awaiting prep and painting


Here is the same dash painted with adhesion promoter, vinyl black from Halfords and scothbrited to remove the satin finish. Hope my Wife didn't mind it in our hallway :whistle:


Heres the old grey one that will be seriously modified and fitted at a later date


More later..........


Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:54 am
by andyfanshawe
Okay. last wednesday, I got in from work at about 4:30pm and was greeted with my Wife telling me that my van had been clamped on my driveway! She said that she had spotted 2 yellow stickers on the back of the van, but no clamp, and the usual pouch stuck to the passenger window from a sheffield clamping company.
This is what was on the back-note one on top of the other
Peeling the top off revealed this

Inside it read that i would have to pay £100 to have the clamp removed. I phoned up this clamping place and was told that it had been clamped because it wasnt taxed. I said it was SORNed and it was on my driveway. She said it was overhangin the pavement, so was deemed "on the road". I explained that I lived at the very bottom of a T shaped cul de sac in the top left corner of the T where no-one EVER went except me. The van cant be seen from anywhere but at the top of the street and is blocking no-ones sight or driveway and is tucked up to the front of my garage. In effect, as far out of the way as it could possibly be. Did that matter to her? ...No. So, fair enough I said, can't argue with the law, but there is no clamp on the vehicle. She then accused me of removing the clamp and I would be taken to court for the unauthorised removal.
I replied that I had witnesses to say that I didnt remove the clamp. She insisted that one was fitted. So I asked to speak to the "gentleman" that did it. Of course he had gone home.
She phoned back a few mins later to say she had spoke to him and he tried to get the clamp on the back left wheel, but couldnt do it so he put it on the front left.
Again I said that there was no clamp there. Then again came the usual threats of court action. Yeah, yeah...

She then phoned back a few mins later and said she had spoke to the gentleman again and he couldnt remember if he had fitted it or not..............Then it all became clear. The first yellow sticker (clamping notice) was put on just before he got the clamp out, then he found he couldnt fit it and stuck the second sticker on top to say it was untaxed.

I calmly explained that this would sound extremely stupid in court when he said he couldnt remeber fitting a clamp to one of the countries most unusual vans!!!!! I also said it was impossible to clamp the van due to the lowness of it and the big wheels and the gfx.

She phoned back AGAIN to say that they would remove the van from their records due to the uncertainty of it all (no doubt due to the gentleman talking absolute rubbish) , but I would have to move it further away from the pavement because it would be checked again and officially clamped-even though it isnt and I would have to pay.

I agreed to this and organised with my next door neighbour to move it onto their drive while I had a think about its resting place over the next few days/weeks. All this mainly due to the fact that I couldn't get the van further up the drive since it is touching the garage now.

BUT,.......all the suspension is loose, no dash, no wires connected, no headlights, no steering column, no indicators, no wipers, no anything in fact!!!!

So, it was decided that I would put the van back together over the next few days and get it MOTed and taxed. Then I could park it where I liked!! To give me some motivation, I booked it in for an MOT on monday 22nd (today-a few hours ago in fact!!). That gave me 2 full days and 2 nights after work and an extra morning to get it all done...........

Some chance my Wife said. So, 4 hours after work thursday and friday. 8 am till 8 pm saturday with no break. 7:30 am till 8 pm sunday and 6:30 am till 12:30 pm today.

Made it (except for the front grille design), with some dandy temporary welding and fabrication for the headlights ...........

Did it pass?...............................................

Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:01 pm
by Mr Singh
WOW! what a lot of rubbish, and those clampers seriously fuckin it up royally!!

Hope it passes mate :smurf:

Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:06 pm
by 89AstroDan
SEE!!! That's why our for-fathers left and started there own country. Some things never change. :poke:

Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 1:07 pm
by andyfanshawe
Heres front end number 1 undergoing construction.
Notice the centre grille section has been removed and moved to the bottom and the light units brought together.
Note that the van wasnt harmed in the build process!! No extra holes have been drilled.

This is a view of the drivers side with the light "subframe" built but not cosmetically finished.

This is a view of the passenger side with the metalwork almost completed and tidied up considerably.

I still have to join the 2 together and construct a grille.
Interestingly the lower light units are actually fitted upside down!!! Fit better that way.



Next few days should see this one finshed and painted, then front end number 2 (with camaro lights) begins construction.


Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:03 am
by Jboy2
Wow. Its coming along nice!
Keep up the goodwork.

Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:51 pm
by andyfanshawe
Nice to be back after a loong xmas and start of new year!!
What have I been doing to the van? Well, been busy, and spending a lot of time outside in sub zero conditions.

First the head unit has always been badly fitted and stuck out too far. So, the rear defroster vent has been modified so the unit fits in further. Then i constructed a meatl support channel for it to fit in



Then it was onto changing the colour of all the grey underdash panels to black (including centre console). UPOL adhesion promoter followed by Halfords satin black vinyl spray paint and a rub over with a very fine grey scotchbrite pad. Heres the old one and the new black painted one.


And then onto the wheels. These are piggin expensive fully chromed 20's that are very high maintenance. They have supposedly been fitted for about 3 or 4 years. Grit and salt are starting to play havoc with the insides. Chrome is starting to lift and the ally underneath corrode. So, all wheels off, front chrome masked off with duct tape, insides media blasted and taped off (1 hour per wheel to mask off!). Then 2 coats of sterling silver POR15. This stuff is awesome! £25 + P & P from FROST auto restoration (via ebay) for half a litre!! Must be good at that price.



Now the wheels are in tip top condition. The chrome at the front is very good and now fully protected from the british weather on the insides.

Now, I thought paint wouldnt stick to chrome, so I painted a small patch on the front and left it a few days to set. Then I couldnt get it off :whistle: Oops!! 15 minutes later with a plastic scraper and it came off. Phew. This is good stuff.

And, finally, here is a picture of my van impersonating a snow plough



Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:43 pm
by LaGrasta
i love this thread, thanks for sharing.

Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:59 pm
by ds99
Simply amazing!
Keep the pics coming.
Wish I had your skills :prayer:

Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:10 pm
by SoCalli V8
Good work Andy, I`m always following along....

Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 2:27 pm
by andyfanshawe
Been a loong time since I posted any progress. But that doesn't mean to say that nothings happened!!

Bought and fitted a trans cooler for the towing of our newly acquired caravan!!
17" by 7" by 1"- largest I could get. (excellent advice from Socalli V8)-thanks Darren.




Then I had to close off the front end with a custom made grille.
Heres the framework made from steel tube bent in a vice and welded together




Then finished off with a black powder coated honeycomb grille discreetly secured with black tie wraps.



Finally got the van to a show!! Cleethorpes motoring extravaganza (On our east coast for any non UK'ers!.)



Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:27 pm
by Mr Singh
Looks good!

how heavy is that caravan your towing?

How much would a full front to back bagged setup cost from you? PM me if you want


Re: Air ride on sad pimped 92 Astro!!

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 7:52 am
by andyfanshawe
Hi Mr Singh.
Sorry for the late reply.
I'm still constructing mine, so no kits I'm afraid and after this one, I've had enough!

Sorry to disappoint :cry: