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Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:28 pm
by astrosafari
the red is subwoofers and the blue is speakers... theres a few, and some out of the picture.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 1:31 pm
by PharmAstrocist
I don't use a stack, preferring to mic through the main PA for ultimate mix control. [/img]
cutesy video
Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 11:25 pm
by PharmAstrocist
Here's a vid my daughter took... I'll have to do a shredding one now to save face though...
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:07 am
by astrogurl
Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed the music. How old is your daughter? She is pretty good with a camera, interesting shots, and she is a ham. As for the shredding video, find a different person to shoot it. Kids have this knack for upstaging adults.
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 12:42 pm
by PharmAstrocist
Thanks.... THAT daughter is 8... my 9 year old is even hammier lol... only took a month for someone to watch it... gotta love the traffic on this board lol!!!!!!
ANyway, James, if you're out there.... do you have any (1) 7-string you might be willling to part with? I'm in the market for a good deal.
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:22 pm
by astrogurl
PharmAstrocist wrote:Thanks.... THAT daughter is 8... my 9 year old is even hammier lol... only took a month for someone to watch it... gotta love the traffic on this board lol!!!!!!
Don't worry, it is me...I've been going to the old locked board and checking....never noticed it was locked... #-o
Oh yeah, and PJ didn't bother telling me either, but then I don't think he noticed. lol.
Wow, two the dog a girl too? Do you have moments of being overwhelmed by estrogen like my father always complained about? OK all, sorry for the thread hijack....
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:30 pm
by e7ats
I knew, I thought you knew, ya know?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:38 pm
by justice
Bumping an old thread, lol but i recently added a couple of jazz basses to my arsenal...
First the Squire Vintage Modified Fretless jazz bass...quite possibly the best sub $500 fretless on the market, maybe the best sub $1000 fretless... Squier hit a home run with this one.
And then my semi custom SX jazz bass, bought as a standard black jazz bass with maple fretboard and swapped out the neck for the one with the block inlays and a chrome/mirror pickguard.
And currently I have a small bass practice amp for sale if anyone is looking for one.
Re: Musicians - show your gear/rig!
Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:39 pm
by trybe13
I gave away all of my equipment for Christmas except 1 Alvarez acoustic, my Peavey Generation electric, my Crate acoustic amp, my Digitech GenetX 3, a Marshall halfstack a keyboard and my recording gear. My wife was thrilled to get part of her house back and we don't have an uncalled for storage charge every month. Man, it was a real blessing to be able to give that equipment to good homes and encourage a few youngsters to pursue their dreams.
Re: Musicians - show your gear/rig!
Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 7:49 am
by GEJ
Years ago I did one show with Striper and they proved music can send a msg to young people.Lord only knows these days we more of that.
Re: Musicians - show your gear/rig!
Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:11 pm
by astronut74
garysgifts wrote:Years ago I did one show with Striper and they proved music can send a msg to young people.
Wow! Stryper! That was the first cassette I ever bought. I think it was called "To hell with the devil" I played it so much, it just plain wore out, could barely make out the music, much less the words...
On a different note, maybe some of you could point myself (and my son) in the right direction. For Christmas 2006, My son got a drum set for Christmas, pictured below, and for the last year, he has just been playing on it (no instuction, just banging away). I've felt that he was not disciplined enough for formal instruction. And lately he has started to show more interest (at least I think so) in drumming. For instance when we are driving in the car, he will "air drum" to the music. So I'm wondering should I spend money on lessons, or is it still too early? Keep in mind, he just turned 4, I myself, have no clue how to play music, so I don't know the best thing for him. Sure I've seen some amazing talent from kids on you tube and such, but I don't wan't him to feel pressured into it. I wan't the drums to be a positive experience for him.
And here he is banging away..
He is still a little to short I think. He has to lean off the stool in order to work the foot pedals...
And as you can tell in the picture, I had no clue of the "proper" way to set up the drum set. I have since changed it around so it works better for him.
Re: Musicians - show your gear/rig!
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:00 am
by trybe13
Personally, I think 4 may be too young to pay for lessons. It really depends on his attention span and how well he follows directions. Most 4 yo's I've met don't do well with either.
I say let him continue to pound on them on his own for now. Natural talent can't be taught. It only needs development. So when he is a little older that would probably be the time to look into paying for lessons.