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Re: TS Fay
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:15 pm
by CaptSquid
No gots twisters up here, neither, Dorothy.
Re: TS Fay
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:05 pm
by dumb lady
Gots no OCEAN either. And a landlocked Squiddy is just wrong!

Re: TS Fay
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:14 pm
by CaptSquid
Dat's where you is wrong, DL. We gots an ocean. We at the bottom of it, that's all.
Tropical storm Fay
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 1:09 am
by astrogus
Down the street from my house.

Re: Tropical storm Fay
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 2:36 am
by Drooler
Sister lives in Cocoa Beach dumped on them all day yesterday and is still dumping. center is about over them but still on land - moving 5MPH damn slow looks like they will be getting it most of today too.
Re: Tropical storm Fay
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 3:11 am
by wagonmaster
We are south of them just west of W.Palm Beach...Had a LOT of rain and wind, but nothing like the hurricanes of recent years. The main problems were the Tornados associated with the "strong" side of the storm that we were on. Several touched down in So. Florida with some significant damage, but no loss of life to my knowledge...Lucky us! This storm actually got stronger after it came ashore, which isn't supposed to happen. The consensus is that the Everglades water was even warmer than the Gulf waters, ergo, the storm liked it! The slow pace is maddening, however! Looks like it will head off into the Atlantic and then swing back into Florida around St. Augustine/Jacsonville areas. Fay isn't done yet!!

Re: TS Fay
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 6:34 am
by Smiliesafari
Hey, Chrissy. I'm with you on the pink flamingos. Squiddy is just jealous because his primary job on the barge is cleaning up seagull poop.

Re: Tropical storm Fay
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 6:37 am
by Smiliesafari
Orlando is getting just enough rain to keep things wet. No flooding and not much wind. And that's OK.

Re: TS Fay
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 6:46 am
by Rebel
I misplaced my Pink Flamingo lights some time ago, Mr Rebel. I put them away for Christmas & now I can't find them anywhere!! My oldest daughter got me those 3 years ago. They were BEAUTIFUL!
DL,,,check with Peter and get him to will you his set of Flamingo lights. Think he has them strung across his bed in "Tramper" or at least I've been told that's where they are. On second thought, I'd pass on that string of lights, no telling what stories they'd have to tell.

Re: Tropical Storm Fay
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:01 am
by kings-x59
"A National Hurricane Center forecast late Tuesday projected that the storm's path would take it through Alabama over the weekend. However, projections varied widely, prompting some in South Carolina to hope for crop-sating rain" ... wD92M12A82
Reb, you might need to gather your pink flamingos...
Hope everyone in Fay's path stays high and dry. The rain does help though, we were 10" behind in annual rainfall till Edouard landed here.
Re: Tropical Storm Fay
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 11:15 am
by astronut74
Ok, I'm officially tired of all this rain. It has been raining constantly for 2 days now with the exception of when the eye was passing over us early this morning.
Astrogus, our roads aren't that bad yet but most of the roads are under about 1 1/2 ft of water and we've got fairly good drainage here. Unfortunately, most of the drainage ponds and canals are starting to overflow and the streetwater is rising more rapidly now. I feel sorry for anyone out on the roads that are not in a vehicle with high ground clearance. I suspect the shops around here will be busy with electrical problems due to the water.
And Rebel, I hope you're not getting too comfy over there, it looks like it might be heading your way....
Re: Tropical Storm Fay
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:18 pm
by CaptSquid
Plenty of room up here where there are NO Hurricanes.
Re: Tropical Storm Fay
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:04 pm
by dumb lady
Holy CRAP Mr Astrogus!! THAT's a LOT of WATER!!!!! Hope you guys got a boat!
I can't believe how this thing is sitting in one spot! Some places just north of Melbourne got over 20" of rain! CrAzY!
Drooler wrote:Sister lives in Cocoa Beach dumped on them all day yesterday and is still dumping. center is about over them but still on land - moving 5MPH damn slow looks like they will be getting it most of today too.
Do you know much rain your sister got, Mr Harry Drooler? It looks like the rain bands are swinging back with MORE now!
Smiliesafari wrote:Hey, Chrissy. I'm with you on the pink flamingos. Squiddy is just jealous because his primary job on the barge is cleaning up seagull poop.

Haha Mr Smiley! Squiddy - ZOINK!!!
Rebel wrote:
DL,,,check with Peter and get him to will you his set of Flamingo lights. Think he has them strung across his bed in "Tramper" or at least I've been told that's where they are. On second thought, I'd pass on that string of lights, no telling what stories they'd have to tell.

Yeah, I'm afraid to know too! Plus, just think of all the pud-crud that must be on them!! I'd have to boil them first & they prolly won't work any more after that.

Re: Tropical Storm Fay
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:33 pm
by SoCalli V8
I`d rather have a 10 second earthquake any day, rather than all that rain and wind.... Stay dry and safe everybody!
Re: Tropical Storm Fay
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:30 am
by Rebel
Reb, you might need to gather your pink flamingos...
:-k UUUMMMM,,guess I better turn to the weather channel and check this out. We weren't here when Ivan hit this area and no power for two weeks. That one liften all the old oak trees and blew building down in town and we are 80 miles inland from the Gulf.