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Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:11 am
by mattblackratbus
Mark, its good to hear that you are keeping strong and getting on with your life, in time things may change, but live for today and cram as much in as you can, lifes short use it well....Johnny

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 8:44 am
by T.Low
It seems people go either one of two ways in these circustances: They either hit the bars and the bottle and spend money like a drunken sailor, or they hit the gym and the high road, and get thier ducks in order. Praise to you for regrouping, and running a tight ship.

Be the best self you can be. People admire that, and good women will seek you out, wether its someone new or your X coming to grips with what was good about her life, and what needed to change in her life.

Keep up the good work.

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:29 pm
by Kidhauler
I agree with southern its nice to come home and have someone there who is always happy to see you. Get a dog.
Hopefully your ex will sort out her problems and deal with things in her life before it wrecks her life.

You know how a dog is better than a wife?

Leave the two of them out in the backyard in the rain for a few hours and see which one gives you a big kiss when you open the door. :muhaha:

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 8:57 pm
by T.Low
Kidhauler wrote:I agree with southern its nice to come home and have someone there who is always happy to see you. Get a dog.
Hopefully your ex will sort out her problems and deal with things in her life before it wrecks her life.

You know how a dog is better than a wife?

Leave the two of them out in the backyard in the rain for a few hours and see which one gives you a big kiss when you open the door. :muhaha:

Put them both in the trunk of your car and drive around for a half hour; which one gives you a big kiss when you let them out? :muhaha:

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2008 12:10 am
by Kabey's Van
My wife of 21 years decided this January that it wasn't working anymore and left and she was probably right, non the less she was my best friend and man did it hurt.
I don't know how old you are but at my age it was really tough.
I took some time off work and re-evaluated everything.
I rented out my house, and after 30 years in the heavy construction industry decided to semi retire and slow my life down.
Looking back on all that has happened this year there is very little I would change.
The "one thing" that remained constant thoughout everthing were my Landseers, Kabey and Emily.
I trully believe if it were not for them I would not be here today.
They gave me a purpose to live when I was at my lowest and they were always glad to see me.
They were a constant steady light that I headed for every day.
If it is at all possible for you to get a dog, get one.
It will change your life forever.

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:10 pm
by dj_joker_2002
Wow I have been gone from here for a while, so its been 7 months since she left and I have a new woman in my life and she is beautiful, smart, totally different in all positive aspects and she recently told me she loves me.
The funny thing is we met out of the blue at a local Kmart store and neither of us was even suppose to be there, we were there accidentally. Thank you all for your advice and friendship! Advice to anyone with a broken heart-
Look for a book titled: How to heal a broken heart in 30 days

This book is so helpful, Mark

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:20 pm
by peter
Jesus, I missed this thread!!!!

Sorry to hear of your woes, and happier'n hell you're back on track. :supz:

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:06 pm
by 89AstroDan
The funny thing is we met out of the blue at a local Kmart store and neither of us was even suppose to be there, we were there accidentally.
Another word for that kind of accident is destiny. Congratulations, sometimes the grass is greener on the other side. \:D/

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 4:34 am
by crash
glad to hear you are doing really well Mark. even better to see you back and checking in with us, thanks for that =D>

some way, some how you have to tie in a 'blue light special' with something relationship related in the future.. you just gotta .. LOL :yawinkle:

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:18 pm
by kings-x59
good deal man! seems like you find what you are looking for, when you aren't looking for it :supz:

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:44 pm
by SoCalli V8
Woah.... I haven`t seen this post either, and just read every reply....

Good luck dude, as Skippy mentioned this site is alot more that just a van site.... It`s a family site also.... :supz: :heart:

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:51 pm
by robertg
i missed this too.

just glad to hear that you're doing well! :)

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:48 pm
by dumb lady
:heart: I love happy endings! :heart:

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 12:59 pm
by Rebel
I took on a young couple with a baby as borders and what they pay me is half my morgage so the house is mine.
Is the house in your name only ? I hope so. If not,,do all you can to get her name off the deed. Don't get me wrong,,,nothing against her but some women who go through these things can really run you through the mill if you don't have the jump on um. Don't be a nice guy right now on these legal issues,,you can possibly be friends later but take care of your business now.

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:37 pm
by T.Low
Rebel wrote:
I took on a young couple with a baby as borders and what they pay me is half my morgage so the house is mine.
Is the house in your name only ? I hope so. If not,,do all you can to get her name off the deed. Don't get me wrong,,,nothing against her but some women who go through these things can really run you through the mill if you don't have the jump on um. Don't be a nice guy right now on these legal issues,,you can possibly be friends later but take care of your business now.
My friends are getting divorced. Both great people...who knows why. He was being generous for certain reasons, and decided to give her 75% of the house with all the furniture and everything (they both believe that particular home is a very special place and he wants her to be able to stay there), so she only had to buy him out of 25%. Everything was all fine until suddenly she's talking maybe giving him 20% or less cause its still a lot of money.

She went and talked to her attorney and the attorney actually said, "Well, he's entitled to 50% of maybe you should kiss him on the cheek and say thank you for the 25% before he changes his mind."

Divorce tends to bring out the absolute worst in people. Take care of your business so you can provide for yourself and your future loved ones. :yawinkle:

Glad to hear things are working out a lot better for you.