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Re: New Car Purchase - Need opinion on capability
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 7:50 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
afsigma21 wrote:he was a nice guy. I felt bad.
He was still a car salesman! How many "white lies" did he tell you first? I would have felt bad too...for about 10 seconds.

Re: New Car Purchase - Need opinion on capability
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:27 am
by afsigma21
It was an interesting experience. First new new car we have bought in a long, long time. I did a TON of research on any car we went to see. many times I knew more than the salesman.
I was waiting for a salesman to slip up and tell me a lie or stretch something, but never happened.
One salesman almost got his @$$ chewed by my wife though. When the first thing you tell a salesman is that the car is for my wife (who is right there), that salesman should not turn his back on, not shake the hand of, and walk away from her.... BIG mistake, of course we didnt buy from that dealership.
Re: New Car Purchase - Need opinion on capability
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:02 am
by potskie
afsigma21 wrote:Well, I had to tell a little white lie and tell him we did not think the Sante Fe was big enough. Which is kinda true, the CX9 is larger and one of the reasons we liked it more.
I asked him if they had minivans for us to look at (Which I knew he didnt) to try to make him feel better. he was a nice guy. I felt bad.
Jerk! Now his kids are going to starve this month and lisa won't get her braces... Little tommy won't get that new crutch he wanted so badly and his wife won't get that boob job... All because of your little white lie... =;
I dislike car salesmen lol
Re: New Car Purchase - Need opinion on capability
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:17 pm
by Cobra
Re: New Car Purchase - Need opinion on capability
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 12:28 pm
by Kidhauler
The mazda is a much better car than the santa fe. When we were looking for a van back in November you should have seen the look on the salesmens faces when I was looking at the RPO codes on the door to see what options it had. The one guy was scared to death that he might say something wrong he thought I had all the codes memorized. I was just looking to see what back end the vans had.

Re: New Car Purchase - Need opinion on capability
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:48 pm
by chemist
buy now pay later. Look at the !%!% i've done with my 03 van. Now, I pay with a transfer case rebuild and probably a transmission at some point. Don't do that tow. Do you still have an Astro to do it with?
As far as buying a Hyunda, I'd be even less inclined to do that than a new GM or used F.O.R.D. Glad to see you at least got a Mazda instead...
Re: New Car Purchase - Need opinion on capability
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:12 am
by afsigma21
I have owned a couple Hyundai's already and I am a fan. I have had really good luck with them, so long as you buy them new.
I had a 99 Elentra, paid like $11k new, loaded. Lasted me 9 years and no repairs I had to pay for, 120k miles and I sold it for $2500. Still running now, sold it to a friend.
For the cost ratio, they are generalyl decent cars. newer years have improved as well. It was just a little smaller, less luxury car, which is why we got the Mazda.