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Re: Happy Birthday to the Rebel.
Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 1:27 pm
by Fire Cakes
Hope you had a great Birthday
Re: Happy Birthday to the Rebel.
Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:06 pm
by reaper
Happy Birthday Dude =D>
Re: Happy Birthday to the Rebel.
Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:16 am
by Merlin
Sorry that I missed your B-Day. Haven't been on line in a few days. Hope it was a great one.
Re: Happy Birthday to the Rebel.
Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:21 am
by Rebel
The party was great,,,no one showed up.

Really. Susan planned a party with cake ice cream and snacks. We were the only ones to show
She had planned it for Sat. No other day would work out and by the time she called everyone she found out they were either out of town or down with the flu. We got a huge laugh out of it. Told Susan it was a sign there should be no more Birthdays for me

and can you imagine what I would have felt like if I were 6 years old. I'd never have gotten over that. #-o
Anyway,,,had a good one and I appreciate you guys showing up with your Birthday wishes. Sorry, but we had the cake all to ourselves.

Re: Happy Birthday to the Rebel.
Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 3:10 pm
by astrozam
Wish you were closer Larry, then many of us could of maybe popped down for a spell to personally wish ya'll the best

Re: Happy Birthday to the Rebel.
Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:00 pm
by kings-x59
Happy B-day Reb!
Re: Happy Birthday to the Rebel.
Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 7:16 pm
by SoCalli V8
astrozam wrote:Wish you were closer Larry, then many of us could of maybe popped down for a spell to personally wish ya'll the best

I had a Wonderful time when I stayed at Larry & Susans place. They live in a very picturesque town in Alabama, with beautiful tree lined small streets, his New house is beautiful but the huge lower ground garage + workshop is Awesome !
This is his old house where I stayed so you can get the idea of how beautiful the area is.
Larry preparing the "Drunk Chicken" sitting on my "piss-water" Coors Light beer to sit on the barbyQ. Even tho` he is smiling for the picture shot, he wanted to use stronger beer....
OMG, This chicken melted in your mouth....... > And it didn`t even taste like beer at all, just very moist and succulent.

Re: Happy Birthday to the Rebel.
Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:41 am
by Rebel
You're very kind Darren and we also had a great time during your visit. I still laugh about the check out lady who couldn't understand a word you were saying to her when asking about fresh Salmon. Fresh Salmon at the 96,,,that's a hoot. You also come to mind every time I throw a beer loaded chicken on the grill.
Come back any time.
Keith, a bunch of you guys showing up for my Birthday would have been great. Nothing better I can think of.
Welcome any time.
Re: Happy Birthday to the Rebel.
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:25 pm
by dumb lady
Happy belated Birthday Mr Larry Rebel!! OMGosh, you had a birthday party & no one showed up?? How SAD is THAT??!! Oh well, I see Darren posted up his wonderful pix for you. I remember the frozen fish story! You're a good host & we both know that Darren is a wonderful guest!

Re: Happy Birthday to the Rebel.
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 6:45 am
by Rebel
DL,,,,later is always better than not at all and yep,,,ol Darren worked wonders on the grill while here. Always welcome at the 96. =D>