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Re: AIRCARE questions
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 6:50 pm
by tbhager94
potskie wrote:GnarliSafari wrote:so in canada you guys can purchase car repair insurance?
Car insurance in BC is a little different. IIRC you get your car insurance from a crown owned company( so the province). But to renew your insurance and plates you need to pass aircare. This is how I understand it from my buddy who has brought back at least a half dozen vehicles from there on his many misadventures to and from BC.
In ontario and most of
the more normal provinces you need to pass emissions testing to renew your stickers or tags.
what do you mean by normal ????
i live in saskatchewan and we dont have any type of aircare.
Re: AIRCARE questions
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:08 pm
by GnarliSafari
tbhager94 wrote:potskie wrote:GnarliSafari wrote:so in canada you guys can purchase car repair insurance?
Car insurance in BC is a little different. IIRC you get your car insurance from a crown owned company( so the province). But to renew your insurance and plates you need to pass aircare. This is how I understand it from my buddy who has brought back at least a half dozen vehicles from there on his many misadventures to and from BC.
In ontario and most of
the more normal provinces you need to pass emissions testing to renew your stickers or tags.
what do you mean by normal ????
i live in saskatchewan and we dont have any type of aircare.
weird, in wisconsin i had to pass emissions every other year, no biggie, here in oregon i dont have to do anything just renew my tags every other year. which is weird because we are a GREEN state but yet emissions are overlooked.
Re: AIRCARE questions
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:34 am
by blk lt awd
v8famvan wrote:As I am a certified AirCare technician I can shed some light on this.....
1998 & newer vehicles only get a scan test.
1) If there is a pending code (no light on yet) - it fails.
2) If the Malfunction Indicator Light (SES) is on - it fails.
3) If the Inspection Maintenance flags are not set - it fails.
What are Inspection Maintenance flags? :-k
They are a diagnostic parameter in the computer that can be read with a scan tool. These flags set - or turn on - when all the trouble code diagnostic tests have ran & passed for a specfic system ie: Catalyst, EGR, EVAP, AIR, O2 sensors, etc.
When you clear the codes in a OBD II vehicle, the flags also get cleared or reset. As everyone knows, codes are bad - indicating a problem. What not everyone knows is IM flags are good - indicating everything is properly functioning.
So, clearing your codes & then trying to go thru AirCare will get you a fail.

It takes time for the IM flags to set again after a codes clear.
My recommendation - If you have an O2 sensor codes that will be corrected with an O2 sensor replacement, then replace the O2 sensor. Drive the vehicle for a day or 2, get your vehicle scanned to see if there are any pending codes & if your IM flags have all reset. Any AirCare shop or competent technician can do this for you. If it scans good then go thru AirCare & you will be guaranteed a pass.

thank you very much for the insight james. greatly appreciated. great to know what the process is direct from the source.
i guess i'm x'ing my fingers hoping this thing shows up by friday, replace it and get it air cared by saturday. if not i'm taking the worst case scenario and going for the fail and getting my 3 month permit.
i'm guessing you guys don't care about the ABS light......
Re: AIRCARE questions
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:54 am
by phr1$k37
potskie wrote:
In ontario and most of the more normal provinces you need to pass emissions testing to renew your stickers or tags.
Oh the can of worms you opened by saying "normal". Here in BC it is the same. Pass emissions and then get your stickers. If you do fail the emissions they give you a grace period to get things fixed for a re-test. If you still fail you can get more time by showing that you had a qualified aircare tech take a lookie at the vehicle 
They need to think of something better and more fair as well. My friend who worked for 15 years with aircare has many stories of the things he see's owners try to get emissions when clearly it will not fail.
Re: AIRCARE questions
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:58 am
by phr1$k37
blk lt awd wrote:
i'm guessing you guys don't care about the ABS light......
Pulling codes should be able to tell you what is wrong. Have it read 
Have you checked your brake fluid?
Re: AIRCARE questions
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:53 pm
by Kabey's Van
Define normal, Potskie.
Re: AIRCARE questions
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 1:04 am
by blk lt awd
hey guys, just thought i'd post an update. well the sensor came in a day late......however got it installed and went and got the code cleared. drove for about 3 hours to re set anything that may be pending. took it through air care and passed. life is good again, well with the automobile anyways. the abs light remained on and wasn't an issue. i guess it makes sense since it's not emissions related. well don't have to worry about it for two years now.
i just wanted to say thanks to all those that responded and helped. it was truly appreciated.

Re: AIRCARE questions
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 3:08 pm
by phr1$k37
Glad to hear you are up and running!
Re: AIRCARE questions
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 11:00 pm
by v8famvan
Re: AIRCARE questions
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 7:41 pm
by SoCalli V8