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Re: My next project. "hopefully"
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:15 am
by Kabey's Van
Peter, the other Peter, is running a 502/502. For what it is, or rather, what it could be it's a bit of a boat anchor.
I'm aiming for the 650-700hp range and a torque curve thats all in by 3000rpm.
Re: My next project. "hopefully"
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:35 am
by astrozam
Well, what ever you decide on shoe-hornin in there, be sure to document this build because projects like this are fun to follow along with ( as was smurf's when he documented his ) when there are lots of pics and info.
Re: My next project. "hopefully"
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:36 am
by Cobra
i don't know about boat anchor it puts down enough power to break drive train components and sure does have some peep in it's step but like you said comparing to what you're planning his is a straight up functional daily driver. i would love to have 600hp in my stro but i would not be able to drive it (for financial and legal reasons

) but your purposed project is something i'd go to the drag strip to watch for sure
damn zam beat me to the post and he's completely right you know how we love pics
Re: My next project. "hopefully"
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:48 am
by reaper
Kabey's Van wrote:Sanja,
How you been. How's the boat biz treating you.
Im doing alright,Since we talked last I have left the boat biz
I am currently building a new buisness of my own.
Gerald built a blown sbc astro,It scared the shit out of me.
The quickest astro Ive ever been in.
Re: My next project. "hopefully"
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:37 am
by Kabey's Van
Yes I like pics too.
The only pictures I have so far are the ones from his ad. I asked him for more but with the huge response he got he has decided to take a first come first serve approach, take it or leave it.
If he does email me to come and have a look I will be taking more pictures and of coarse I will be documenting the build.
I have very few pictures of the rods I have built over the years but this one will be different. Very different and barely legal, and yes Sanja I do plan on getting pulled over once in a while.
My first car I had was a Sunbeam Tiger and I used to get pulled over all the time. Sometimes I would get pulled over just so the cop could have a better look at it, I used to hate that, but it kept me honest.
So Sanja, what do you have your fingers into now. Starting your own business is quite an undertaking. What sort of business have you begun?
Re: My next project. "hopefully"
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 11:05 pm
by reaper
Plastic injection molding design.
Re: My next project. "hopefully"
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:20 am
by Kabey's Van
Finally, this guy emailed me. I go see it tonight.

Re: My next project. "hopefully"
Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 5:46 am
by astroturf
Wow, Great news. Hope it works out for you. Jim
Re: My next project. "hopefully"
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 7:25 am
by Kabey's Van
I went and took a look at it last night, with cash in hand.......this guy was a little off centre but I started to try to make a deal with him.
He has a scrap car removal company and a garage full of old cars, some rebuilt, some not, all were stock, not a hotrod to be seen.
As the conversation continued I could tell this guy wasn't really motivated to sell this truck. He actually said at one time that he does not have to sell it and the only reason he is selling it is because he has no room for it and because of that, he has to leave it outside.
Then came the questions;
"So what were you going to do with it."
"Do you have a motor and transmission for it."
"I know a fella who has a motor for it". "Bla-bla-bla."
He went on and on about stuff he could get for it and some stuff he had for it.
In the midst of his rant I stopped him and said, "Uh, well, no I won't need a motor for it, I'm going to turn it into a hotrod."
There was a big pause in the conversation.
"A hotrod" he says, with much disgust. "Oh, well I don't know about that."
I'm thinking to myself, your selling it dude what do you care what I do with it.
Anyway, after much more discussion he refused to sell it to me because in his words, "I don't want it all hacked up."
And with those words he turned around and walked back into his house without saying another thing about it.
The word "hacked" is still ringing in my ears.
Re: My next project. "hopefully"
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:35 am
by Cobra
well that was messed up if he cares so much about it why put it up for sale in the first place
Re: My next project. "hopefully"
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 10:42 am
by astroturf
Oh Man, I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you didn't have a long drive to see it. Sometimes those things turn out like that for the best. Hopefully something better comes along for you. Jim
Re: My next project. "hopefully"
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:31 am
by reaper
Kabey's Van wrote:I went and took a look at it last night, with cash in hand.......this guy was a little off centre but I started to try to make a deal with him.
He has a scrap car removal company and a garage full of old cars, some rebuilt, some not, all were stock, not a hotrod to be seen.
As the conversation continued I could tell this guy wasn't really motivated to sell this truck. He actually said at one time that he does not have to sell it and the only reason he is selling it is because he has no room for it and because of that, he has to leave it outside.
Then came the questions;
"So what were you going to do with it."
"Do you have a motor and transmission for it."
"I know a fella who has a motor for it". "Bla-bla-bla."
He went on and on about stuff he could get for it and some stuff he had for it.
In the midst of his rant I stopped him and said, "Uh, well, no I won't need a motor for it, I'm going to turn it into a hotrod."
There was a big pause in the conversation.
"A hotrod" he says, with much disgust. "Oh, well I don't know about that."
I'm thinking to myself, your selling it dude what do you care what I do with it.
Anyway, after much more discussion he refused to sell it to me because in his words, "I don't want it all hacked up."
And with those words he turned around and walked back into his house without saying another thing about it.
The word "hacked" is still ringing in my ears.
It's funny how grumpy old farts think that there stuff is the greatest thing since sliced bread
& its worth so much,but yet are reluctant in passing it on to someone else.
I recently was in a simmilar situation,I play around with old garden tractors
& I was out locally looking at one,pretty rough but all the parts were there.
Same thing,the questions arrive from the owner "what are you going to do with it?"
Restore it & put it to work
Owner "Why would you do that"
Because that is what they are designed/built to do
Owner "I don't know about that"
So you would rather have it sit here & rot?
Thats about as far as the conversation goes.
Keep hunting,You'll find something.