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Re: Olympic Success
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:51 pm
by kings-x59
CaptSquid wrote:Besa me coulo!

No fair Squidster. Not only can you spell better than me, but you apparently can do it in languages I can't even read.
Re: Olympic Success
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:03 pm
by T.Low
I could see from my house (in Washington) that Cypress Mountain is a lot more lit up than usual. So we got the telescope out. We could see the snow runs but couldn't see any people. Still, it was kinda cool.
How far is Cypress from the Peace Arch border crossing? I'm 21 miles south of the Peace Arch.
Re: Olympic Success
Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:56 am
by Kabey's Van
It's about 45 miles; as the crow flies.
Re: Olympic Success
Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 10:56 pm
by T.Low
Drove 45 minutes to Marine Dr. Station to catch the train into Vancouver, riding all the way to the Waterfront just a short walk to the Olympic Flame Caldron. Walked arond town all day, such a cool city. We really had fun.
Got home just in time to turn on the brand new 50" Plasma and see the Michigan boys (Ryan Miller, Brian Rafalski, Ryan Kesler, Jack Johnson, and Tim Gleason) and Company beat Team Canada. Wow, what a game by Raffi and Miller.
Re: Olympic Success
Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:17 am
by Kabey's Van
T.Low wrote:
Got home just in time to turn on the brand new 50" Plasma and see the Michigan boys (Ryan Miller, Brian Rafalski, Ryan Kesler, Jack Johnson, and Tim Gleason) and Company beat Team Canada. Wow, what a game by Raffi and Miller.
Yah; well blah, blah, blah.
Re: Olympic Success
Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:34 am
by Rileysowner
US played a good game. Canada played a horrible game. They were skating around like a bunch of kids. That especially hit home when three Canadian players ran into each other leaving Cory Perry shaken. It was not until the last half of the third that they started to get it together, but then it was too late and they got desperate. That is never a good thing.
Re: Olympic Success
Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2010 8:26 am
by T.Low
Kabey's Van wrote:T.Low wrote:
Got home just in time to turn on the brand new 50" Plasma and see the Michigan boys (Ryan Miller, Brian Rafalski, Ryan Kesler, Jack Johnson, and Tim Gleason) and Company beat Team Canada. Wow, what a game by Raffi and Miller.
Yah; well blah, blah, blah.
It was great...but probably short lived. I know the Canadian players a lot better than most the American players, and man, that team is tearing it up. Miller is really gonna get peppered.
That Gold Medal women's game was great; lots of action. In many ways a better rivalry than the men's teams; they are the only two teams to give eachother any real competition. Still missed Cassie Campbell and Cammie Granato, though. The ice seems so much bigger with the girls skating it. The Canadian crowd showed their class as they gave the American women an appreciative "USA" chant during the medal ceremony. Hats off to Canada. Great game.
Re: Olympic Success
Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 9:49 am
by Kabey's Van
This Sunday Canada vs. USA as they fight for hockey gold. Even if your not a hockey fan you will enjoy this match.
Re: Olympic Success
Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 6:38 pm
by T.Low
Yeah, I hope it's a good game and not a blow out. Ya just can't help but feel that Team Canada can erupt with 5 goals within any given period. Those are four incredible lines they are rolling.
Personally, I feel like I can't lose in this one.
As an American that has lived within an hour of the border much of my life (equidistant from Windsor and Sarnia in Michigan, and now closer to Vancouver than Seattle), and crossed it often for both work and recreation, I have a lot of 2nd hand pride in many things Canadian. I like to belt out Oh Canada at the games but I struggle trying to sing The Star Bangled Banner due to the incredible range within the song's structure, and I gotta admit, I prefer Maelle Rickert to Hollywood Lindsay Vonn, Nellie Furtado over Brittney Spears, would rather watch Rick Mercer than Steven Colbert; have a much bigger emotional attatchment to Stevie Y and Mike Babcock than Brian Burke and Ron Wilson; listen to Vancouver's Team 1040 instead of L.A.'s Jim Rome, prefer the feal of a sweet one timer slapshot than the sweet spot of a good golf drive (come to think of it, I own a lot of hockey sticks and no golf clubs), and I am planted in my chair in front of the big screen to see the handoff succession of The Stanley Cup, but am usually out riding or paddling instead of watching the Super Bowl at all.
Of course I realize it's not easy being America's next door neighbor, especially when you are outweighed 300 million people to 35 million. We, of course, can be quite overbearing and self centerred . I think this helps breed the comradary I see amongst so many of my Canadian friends, much more so than with Americans.
So here's to the battle of the largest unfortified border in the world, and while my patriot pride wants the US and the Michigan boys to Gold Medal (don't misunderstand me, I am indeed a very Proud American) , a lot of me wants Stevie Y to lead Team Canada to it's first Gold on Canadian soil, Chris Pronger and all. I just hope its a good game.
Re: Olympic Success
Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:00 pm
by astrozam



Hell of a game, it doesn't get any closer than that
Re: Olympic Success
Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:57 pm
by kings-x59
It was a nail biter. 30 seconds left in the third, I thought the US was done for. 24 seconds to go, we score. Overtime was intense. Our poor goalie felt pretty bad I think. I bet the Canadian team appreciates that gold all the more. They certainly worked for it. Kudos Canada!
Re: Olympic Success
Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:41 pm
by Kabey's Van
Immediately following the game Ryan Miller was seen jumping in front of a train.
Although he escaped un-injurd as the train went right between his legs.

Re: Olympic Success
Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:53 pm
by Smiliesafari
Congrats you guys. Great effort.

Re: Olympic Success
Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:29 am
by T.Low
It was too nice out to not go riding yesterday. I recorded the game and will watch it after dark one of these nights.
Congratulations to Canada.