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Re: Occasional Rattle Sound from Underneath middle passengerside
Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:18 pm
by Rileysowner
Stopped by my BIL's shop today and he put it up on the hoist for me. It is definitely the cat. I have a leak on the rear seal on the transmission as well. I have to do the trans filter anyway, so while I am at it I will do the seal as well since I am under there anyway. Looked at the nuts on the various flanges on the exhaust and they look extremely rusty.
I think I will see what sort of prices I get for a cat replacement from someone who does not mind welding exhaust. I did that once and really don't want to do it again.
Re: Occasional Rattle Sound from Underneath middle passengerside
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:16 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
Rileysowner wrote:I think I will see what sort of prices I get for a cat replacement from someone who does not mind welding exhaust. I did that once and really don't want to do it again.
This is what I did. I bought a 3" in/out cat off Ebay and had a local shop weld in the new cat for $50. Wasn't worth my time trying it.
Re: Occasional Rattle Sound from Underneath middle passengerside
Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:50 am
by Rileysowner
I take it the pipes that art there are 3" in and out? I priced out cats at Napa (over $600 for a direct fit and over $200 for a universal) and Carquest (over $400 for a direct fit). I think e-bay or some other place online and find someone to weld it in would be the way to go.
Re: Occasional Rattle Sound from Underneath middle passengerside
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 12:00 am
by v8famvan
I work on cars all day long & when it comes to replacing cat convertors on vehicles I just send it over to the exhaust shop to get it done. I'm a professional & I get someone else to do it. What does that tell you?
Re: Occasional Rattle Sound from Underneath middle passengerside
Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 6:38 am
by Rileysowner
I have done exhaust on the wifes car, and I agree, it isn't something I want to do. I got a price of $190 for a universal fit installed, and I will probably go for it, if for no other reason than I hate the noise.