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Re: Weeee! Hurricane Party
Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:31 am
by kings-x59
Smiliesafari wrote:I've been watching the news clips to see if the lighthouse on Bolivar survived. Anyone know?
I was watching for it too, when I was a kid I used to skip oyster shells in the tidal pools around the lighthouse. I have a water color painting of the lighthouse hanging on my wall.
Re: Weeee! Hurricane Party
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:19 am
by justice
a few fotos, not as exciting as the ones on the news stations...but a kinda wrap up for me.
first the strange...this cup ended up sitting in my front yard from somewhere...
Lost part of a tree
rest of the front yard ok
house across the street
two houses down from me
this was a pretty common site...
various broken trees near my dads house...
this was just...interesting...
more traffic lights
another common site..
and now the moment you ahve all been waiting for...the puppy
who has been named Ike (geee thats original!!!!)
My power was out for a week, went out at 2am Saturday during the storm, and came back on about 1:30pm yesterday. I had to rebuild 80 feet of fence in my back yard and I removed 4 trees and 7 large yucca plants.
I now own a generator. And i finally got to use the air nailers that i bought almost 2 years ago.
Re: Weeee! Hurricane Party
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 9:37 am
by astrozam
Nice to hear you have things under control Dow, is that the dog your wife rescued?
Re: Weeee! Hurricane Party
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:24 am
by justice
yep, thats him.
Re: Weeee! Hurricane Party
Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 11:44 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
Glad to see you are back! Cute pup.
Re: Weeee! Hurricane Party
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:52 am
by astrozam
Someone from another forum I'm on posted these pics of the Seawall area during and after Ike
Re: Weeee! Hurricane Party
Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 11:04 am
by kings-x59
Pretty devistating. Now imagine what it was like in 1900 without the seawall. The average elevation on the island was about 3 feet above mean sea level.
One of the photos in that thread was the remnants of the Balinese room. During prohibition it was a speak easy and illegal gambling hall. My parents were born on the island. They used to go the Balinese on dates many moons ago. My connection to the island has waned as all my grandparents and great aunts have passed on. I have a lot of great memories from my childhood down there. I think I'm going to wait a good long while before venturing down again.
Re: Weeee! Hurricane Party
Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:21 pm
by kings-x59
The post post hurricane update:
My uncle's place down on Bolivar peninsula survived the storm. Some roof damage, lost one of the pilings under the house, the porch and stairs are gone. years ago, we tore down the rotting boathouse, but the pilings were left sticking up about 9 feet above the waterline. There is now a boat impaled on one of the pilings, skewered all the way down to the bottom of the slip.