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Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:22 am
by Munken
Snow and cold is not that bad.

Everything turn white and it be kind of silent. You have to put on so much clothing that you can barely move. And you have to change to snow wheels on the van. Check anti-freeze fluid. Pour alcohol in the gasoline so it does not get ice in the pipes. The locks on the van freezes.

After 20 minutes heating with a lighter, the ice in the lock finally melt, then you discover that the door seal has frozen to the door. You try to warm the door with your hands, and frenetic pull the door. When you finally get it open all the snow from the roof fall into the seat. You brush it out but now the seat is cold and wet.

Now your hands are so cold because none of this you can do with gloves on, it results in turning the key to start is hard with your fingers stiff. After a lot of bad language you turn the key and it starts. You feel relieved that soon it will be warm, at the same time you hear the wipers starts and tear off the rubber that frozen solid to the windscreen. With more bad language, you take the ice scraper to clean the windows. The scraper is so bad that you might as well scrape with a rubber boot.

But you do your best, now your a*s turn to ice because of the wet seat, and you can´t feel your toes anymore. But anyway, you have to shovel away snow behind the wheels so you can back out from the parking lot. At that point you discover that you are almost one hour late for work.

You can see on the window it become a little warm inside, but now you have to hurry up. You lift one foot to step into the van and the other slipping on the snow and you go in under the rockerpanel. Now you are half in and half out, and you feel that your wet a*s starts to freeze to the ground. So with a bad language you don´t even hear yourself before, and a piece of you pants left on the ground, you climb into the van and put it in reverse.

You look out the window, but can´t see anything, your glasses are all foggy. You wipe the glasses and look in the rear view mirror, your nose is blue with ice in it. You looks like you just finish a 20 mile cross-country skiing race. Finally on the way, but you have to steer with your elbows because your fingers are so stiff that you can´t hold the steering wheel.......

Snow and cold isn´t that bad........ if you are a polar bear.

Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 4:01 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
That's funny....and true! :muhaha:

18*F here this morning and the wind has been blowing hard for 2 days. Wind chill is well below 0. Time to get the winter coats out. I did get to plow snow night before last. We had about 4-5 inches of real wet heavy snow. :supz:

Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 5:50 am
by crash
very accurate description munken =D>

Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:56 am
by astrozam
Forecast for tonight...-18 degree Celsius = -0.4 degree Fahrenheit with a windchill of -27 degree Celsius = -16.6 degree Fahrenheit.

She gonna be a cold one tonight at work! :cheers:

Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:02 pm
by tbhager94
astrozam wrote:Forecast for tonight...-18 degree Celsius = -0.4 degree Fahrenheit with a windchill of -27 degree Celsius = -16.6 degree Fahrenheit.

She gonna be a cold one tonight at work! :cheers:
i can beat that -26c with the windchill -37c and i do have to work tonight 6pm to 6am .

Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:10 pm
by astrozam
tbhager94 wrote:
astrozam wrote:Forecast for tonight...-18 degree Celsius = -0.4 degree Fahrenheit with a windchill of -27 degree Celsius = -16.6 degree Fahrenheit.

She gonna be a cold one tonight at work! :cheers:
i can beat that -26c with the windchill -37c and i do have to work tonight 6pm to 6am .

Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:44 am
by tbhager94
well i just got home from work at 6:20 am and i checked the and it -31 and with the windchill -41, im going to have a hot shower and head to my warm waterbed.
oh by the way i love my remote starter.

Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:09 am
by Cobra
holy crap i'm not going to your neck of the wood in winter EVERY

Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 9:43 am
by astrozam
Sunrise 9:15am :yikes: I know you guys don't follow DST, but that looks crazy... LOL

Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:48 am
by hausdok
36 in the middle of Illinois with a little sleet a while ago.

Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 11:17 am
by Munken
tbhager94 wrote:well i just got home from work at 6:20 am and i checked the and it -31 and with the windchill -41, im going to have a hot shower and head to my warm waterbed.
oh by the way i love my remote starter.
I checked on Google Earth, I live at Latitude: 59°37'32.32"N it´s about same Latitude as Charlot river airport in the middle of Canada. But it's the Gulf Stream that makes it warmer here, still no snow. Right now it´s -1°c \:D/

Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:48 pm
by tbhager94
Wind Chill Warning : R.M. of Reford including Landis and Leipzig Issued at 10:26 AM CST Saturday 12 December 2009

Cold temperatures, combined with a strengthening northwesterly gradient, will produce extreme wind chills of minus 40 to minus 50 over most of Southern Saskatchewan today and tonight. This is a warning that extreme wind chill conditions are imminent or occurring in these regions. Monitor weather conditions..Listen for updated statements.
Cold Arctic air combined with a strengthening northwesterly wind will surge southward out of Central Saskatchewan and into Southern Saskatchewan today. As a result extreme wind chills of minus 40 to minus 50 are occurring this morning in Central Saskatchewan and these dangerous wind chill values will spread into southern regions this evening. Extreme wind chill values of minus 40 to minus 50 values will continue into Sunday morning in most areas of Southern Saskatchewan before moderating Sunday afternoon as winds weaken. At these extreme wind chill values frostbite on exposed skin may occur in less than 10 minutes. Please refer to the latest public forecast for further details.

Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:06 pm
by Munken
tbhager94 wrote:At these extreme wind chill values frostbite on exposed skin may occur in less than 10 minutes. Please refer to the latest public forecast for further details.
So pee outdoors is not even to think about. :yikes:

Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:46 pm
by tbhager94
well let you go first and see what happens . i bet you can only make the first 2 letters in your name. lol

Re: How COLD is it?

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:39 am
by Kabey's Van
And then you will be stuck to the ground until spring break-up. :^o