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Re: down again!

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 9:56 am
by astrozam
uncle-vinny wrote:How come the time on the post is off? What time should it say? EST, CST? Or did I do something wrong?
Most forums run UTC which is based on atomic clocks, GMT is based on the earth's rotation and is slightly less accurate,but for all intense and purposes they are the same, because the internet is a worldly thing,on this board if you are EST then we are UTC-5 you can make the needed changes in your user control panel

Re: down again!

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 9:09 pm
by phr1$k37
I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for AS to come back up ... no go :(

Hi all :D

Re: down again!

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 9:39 pm
by astronut74
yes, I have been going thru withdrawal myself....

Re: down again!

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:20 pm
by astrozam
Waiting? withdrawls? WHY?

:-k How many A.S crashes will it take for folks to wake up and smell the coffee? :-s

Re: down again!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:04 am
by mdmead
astrozam wrote:Waiting? withdrawls? WHY?

:-k How many A.S crashes will it take for folks to wake up and smell the coffee? :-s
Well, part of it is that loyal-ness to Will... Which I have never understood... Since he has bailed from the rank of Astro/Safari ownership and has been non-responsive to the AS community for several years. (And if you go back to the beginning of when Will first proposed it, he basically said it was going to be done his way and he wasn't open to too many suggestions on how to set it up. This was an early red flag to me.)

Re: down again!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:19 am
by tbhager94
i agree, this board actually has active admins, will should just sell to someone who cares enough to show there face.

Re: down again!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:03 am
by potskie
tbhager94 wrote:i agree, this board actually has active admins, will should just sell to someone who cares enough to show there face.
If he sold it for the cost of the reg fee I'd buy it and fix it up. I see alot of hating going on towards him but what I don't see is any respect for the fact it's still up at all he could have just cut and run completely. Some of you may not realize it but yes he may not be around but it appears he still pays the bills. I can see the Bandwidth bill alone for that place being in the 25 - 50 a month range on top of the base hosting and the ICANN yearly reg fees. I don't really know for sure but if he is the one paying the bills I would say theres no reason to be hating on him.

Re: down again!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:17 am
by astronut74
Well, by withdrawal, I meant my daily fix of astro safari discussion. It had nothing to do with loyalty to Will. I've never known him or for that matter seen a post by him. Other than the archives or the stickys. And while I do appreciate this board, there is just more info on I mean, you can't transfer EVERYTHING over here. Also the traffic over here is a bit on the slow side, which we as a community have to change.

Re: down again!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 11:20 am
by potskie
There is an insane amount of AS owners in my city. I can't go a day without counting at least 30 other mvans. So what I'm proposing is someone send me some stickers and I'll plaster my van with em.

Re: down again!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:10 pm
by blk lt awd
as said before....everyone needs to stop waiting for the other board to come back up and start posting over here......there's no reason traffic and helpful info can't be increased on this's so user friendly compared to the other one as well......

Re: down again!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:25 pm
by GEJ
Not a bad thought Pots.Not sure if Dow or Zam has any.
potskie wrote:There is an insane amount of AS owners in my city. I can't go a day without counting at least 30 other mvans. So what I'm proposing is someone send me some stickers and I'll plaster my van with em.

Re: down again!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:35 pm
by astrozam
potskie wrote:
tbhager94 wrote:i agree, this board actually has active admins, will should just sell to someone who cares enough to show there face.

If he sold it for the cost of the reg fee I'd buy it and fix it up. I see alot of hating going on towards him but what I don't see is any respect for the fact it's still up at all he could have just cut and run completely. Some of you may not realize it but yes he may not be around but it appears he still pays the bills. I can see the Bandwidth bill alone for that place being in the 25 - 50 a month range on top of the base hosting and the ICANN yearly reg fees. I don't really know for sure but if he is the one paying the bills I would say theres no reason to be hating on him.

Hatin on WILL?,please! lets not even go down that road,also he ain't about to sell so it doesn't matter what you'd like to do with A.S.

We (those that have been around for awhile) saw the futility in the future of a board we did not have FULL CONTROL over,that is why there is ASV, There is much we can and will do to make this forum even better than it is,but it does take time,effort,money so it will probably be an on-going thing.

As to transferring info over here,I know for a FACT that the majority of usefull info at A.S is already here,of course there is some info that has not been transferred over to ASV but by-and-large it has,also don't forget we have a slowly increasing How to forum here as well,80% of the regular posters on A.S are also members here,so there is NO lack of knowledge either.

We have tried as Admins and Mods to do as much as we can with the powers we had at A.S but it has always been limited,we do not have the same restrictions here,and that is the number 1 difference between the sites.So use whichever (or both sites) you wish,just understand the reasons why both sites are what they are.

Re: down again!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:53 pm
by GEJ
Pots a year ago I make a serious mistake in a thread in terms of AS and Will.Over the last year,I have eaten every word of it and learned a lot.There is no way I would want to trade jobs with Justice,Zam,or any of the mods.The unpaid hours of labor all of them put into this site and into AS is beyond what anyone should expect from them.I give them all \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ for their hard work and patience and understanding.I think we all should be grateful to all of them for being here.All this effort is for my and other's benefit.I totally agree with Zam's post.Just give yourself some more time and then see what you think then.I hope this helps Pots.


Re: down again!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:55 pm
by SoCalli V8
potskie wrote:There is an insane amount of AS owners in my city. I can't go a day without counting at least 30 other mvans. So what I'm proposing is someone send me some stickers and I'll plaster my van with em.
You can order free business cards from to place on the windshields of other vans that you see, you just pay for the shipping.


Re: down again!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:00 pm
by Matrixx
My thoughts on both boards are, AS is my first board that I posted on and I'm loyal to that, when It sinks for good is when I will jump ship and it has absolutely nothing at all to do with this board or admins here, thats just the way I am so please don't take offense to that. This a great board, but it will take some time to have everyone move over here and you will loose alot of the new members from AS because of it. I think the best thing to and is being done is give everyone the back-up link as stated by people posting the link on AS. Once AS sinks for good then you will see an increase of people here, and the question is, Once you increase traffic here, will it do the same as AS. There is a huge amount of bandwidth and space taken up on AS at the moment and I feel is the cause for the crashes. I think most of us are creatures of habit as well and really don't like packing up and leaving unless the place is going up in flames (or down). This is a very good board and the Admins here have done a great job no doubt, I also want to say thanks for the invitation to become a member here. :)