Never having dealt with your dilemma or any of the co's you listed, I would call them up and ask if they can fix what's wrong. Then you can check with BBB and check their reputability. Good luck and let us know what you find out.
Captn. Crunch
"I don't beat my rig-I use it to it's maximum potential"
1994 Safari conversion (sold) and miss'n it!
1999 Safari SLE AWD junked
2003 GMC Safari AWD SLT
cast iron Torsen equipped front diff
S-10 leafs-G80 rear w/3.73’s
2” body lift w/Falken Wildpeak AT’s
Once you remove it, the hard part is done, the rest is easy. If you are uncomfortable soldering it yourself, look for a local hackerspace/makerspace and they can help you out.
My local hackerspace has everything from welders to CNC to 3d printers. It is quite amazing and everyone there is great to work with, they do classes and all kinds of stuff.
So I reinstalled the repaired unit from Atlanta Speedometer. Light came back on. Flickers on and off as the van rocks over uneven surfaces. I can even make it flash by rocking the van really hard from the driver's seat! Gonna check the ground on the chassis. Is it easy to get to? Anyone have an image or diagram?
Next up sensors on both sides. Already cleaned the surfaces and removed shims as necessary.
Rockauto fail. Sensors came but they don't fit. Harness comes out of sensor at 90 degrees. Needs to come out angle up slightly from horizontal. Anyone else have this issue?