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Increase voltage from alt by 0.6?

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 3:45 pm
by Water Boy

Re: Increase voltage from alt by 0.6?

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2008 7:31 pm
by 91AWDAstro
It will work on the newer alternators that don't have internal regulators. They get voltage reference from the PCM.

Re: Increase voltage from alt by 0.6?

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:49 am
by Water Boy
That must be how the new new new GMs will turn off/on/off/on/etc the alternator to increase MPG.
Some people have noticed that the dash voltage indicator will move more than expected.
Even to the point that they think there is a problem.

Those snot-nosed kids at GM they call "engineers" strike again.