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Been away for a while....
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 9:03 pm
by 91AWDAstro
I had to take a break for a while due to the issues at home. Glad to see the member roster is growing on the site. I see we have more smileys too!
Haven't done much with the van other than I need to buy and install one of those adjustable FP regulators. Had both front half shafts replaced since the V8 has stressed what life was left in the orginal 160k ones.
For those who know what I've been going through I guess were about half way though the divorce. I know what I'm going to pay in child support and can live with it. My soon to be ex was getting greedy, but I think she's come back to her senses. Her lawyer is a real drip.
If I make it though this wih my A o in tack and haven't become an alchaholic I may be ok. Thank goodness I have a really good friend helping me thought it. ](*,)
Re: Been away for a while....
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 10:24 pm
by SoCalli V8
All your GUY Friends are Here, with some good advice...... They can probably help you out much better than I could, because I`m 42, un-married an having a Blast and Keeping all of my toyz......
No Chick, will EVER take My House or my Toyz away from me ....! So Don`t EVER put them on the lease....because they will defult, and relay the debt back on you.... ( Chicks are Cheap, and want everything paid for.....)
>> They will try and tease you with their pussy into paying all their bills, > don`t fall for that BS, no matter how cute they look......
I may sound Harsh, because I have learn`t from my bad experience.... from these kind of women....
Re: Been away for a while....
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 2:26 am
by peter
Hang in there, Chris. Won't be much longer now. And I promise you'll look back at this in just a few years and not wince as much
Darren. Issues?

Re: Been away for a while....
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 3:45 am
by astrozam
Good to hear from you Chris, In my book,the only thing lower than a divorce Lawyer is a Lawyer who would represent a known Pedophile,LOL
Its a kind of learn as you go process,with a ton of advice thrown in from all your friends and enemies.
Remember its important to look after yourself during all this because even tho we tend to dwell on how our children will handle the seperation,our children also worry about how their mom and dad are handling matters,when your havin a good day share it with them,it will help to calm their fears and concerns for you, always work at building the bond with them.
Re: Been away for a while....
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 5:38 am
by dumb lady
peter wrote:
Darren. Issues?

He's absolutely right.
We have a whole pile of friends who had rotten dirty divorces & with money & toys it gets even NASTIER. Then even worse, they'll use the kids against each other. I have to say though, both men & women can be equally nasty. But the women are definitely the selfish, greedy TAKERS. And Mr 91AWD is correct...A lot of that is the LAWYER'S doing.
On a happy I do have friends who were divorced for 10 years & are now happily remarried to each other again for just as long. Life can be strange.
Hang in there Mr 91AWD & like Zam said, take care of yourself. It will all just be a memory soon.
Re: Been away for a while....
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 6:35 am
by dumb lady
On a happy note....There IS life after divorce.
Mr D/L's good friend Jeffie has been divorced & has stayed single for a long time now. He's 50 & has a *24 year old* live-in girl friend!!!! (He's OLDER than her father!!!

They are moving to FL next month so we'll finally get to meet her.
Re: Been away for a while....
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 10:41 am
by Rebel
Good luck with all and remember, it does get better, alot better.
Keith has the perfect advise for how to do the best you can with how you can mold the future for you and the children.
children also worry about how their mom and dad are handling matters,when your havin a good day share it with them,it will help to calm their fears and concerns for you, always work at building the bond with them.
only two things I can add is something I didn't have and that's an X who backs up the rules and the other is parents not putting each other down while talking to the children. If this happens by one or both parents you may grow old alone. I stuck by these rules for many years but found their Mother didn't and now think at some point I should have stuck up for myself more than I did because at some point the children start to believe everything they're told, no matter what it may be. Now, with all I tried to do for my children, I have a Son who I haven't heard from in over 3 months and a Daughter who goes through the motions of staying in touch but rarely has time for me.
The most important thing you can do is spend all the time you can with your kids building memories and a relationship.
Re: Been away for a while....
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 2:40 pm
by kings-x59
Chris, hang in there man. Speaking from experience, you'll be OK. It hurts like hell and it's an emotional struggle.
I'm on my third marriage. first divorce, no kids, crushed me. second divorce two wonderful youngins, Mike and Amanda. My advice: Step up and fill the gap whenever needed, be there for your children any way needed. I don't know how old your kids are, but if they are teenagers, or when they get to be teenagers they will start to understand what is going on. Take the high road always. Take the long view. Mine were 3 and 5 when my ex told me I needed to find a new place to live. They are 17 and 18 now, and both now live with me. No doubt about it, divorce really really sucks. It's like going to your own funeral.
And try hard not to dis your ex in front of your kids. Save that for when they are grown, had some relationships and can understand. Life is not over. Pm me if you like. your ASV family is here for support.
Re: Been away for a while....
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 8:27 pm
by 91AWDAstro
Thanks again for all the support. I have ups and downs, just a matter of time. Those who have gone through this know what I mean.
At least I got a local party store to carry my Labatt Classic. It helps with the hard times.
Re: Been away for a while....
Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 11:18 pm
by phr1$k37
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the update. I was wondering. Hang in there - we are here to give support