more importantly...... I think they make ozone machines, yeah I know there are different kinds ozone (ok I don't know it, but I've heard it) and every plane or NASA rocket or any other powered flying machine would should have which ever kind is needed, IF it were actually a problem....
back to CO2, if it were such a problem, wouldn't you think you'ld hear more complaints about NASA launches and the tons that it must produce..... and that of the planes used by our legislators, while they fly around the country and even the planet lobbying, vacationing (while we cant afford it and pay for they're trips) fact finding (inventing) and collaborating with others about how to control us for our own safety...... and safety to keep their positions.......
wouldn't you think if it were a problem vehicles would be getting hundred(s) of mpg, electric cars and generators would be encouraged and even funded - solar panels, shingles on homes and business, wind generators, micro hydro plants on any properties along side of running water, and tidal generators - all of these exist, but not much hype to get them to where they could do anything, in the hands of the people. (its still all about greed, just like the global warming scare)
There is an Air cars, that run on compressed air (that will need to be compressed using power generated by......), I'm not sure its available in the US, (yet).... and futher more, if CO2 is such terrible thing, why aren't electric golf carts legal on streets and roads, or made to be even safe enough for higher speeds.
why do people and kids still use co2 cartridges for bb guns, paint ball guns and even dry ice.... when it warms up....

why don't they collect some of this terrible stuff , use it to maneuver in space, loose loose some out there..... and send a bunch to Mars to try warming it up, from all the problems were having here, apparently we will need a backup planet........

plus Dec 29th is the end of the world anyway, so why worry about it..... Chinese and some other (Aztec/Mayan) calender didn't plan ahead, so we're out of time....... Sorry, should have made a longer calender..... now were all screwed :-({|=
and if it were so devastating, wouldn't you think there would be hundreds of thousands of people and groups replanting forests on government and their own lands. and three layered planting instead of massive lawns. tall trees, smaller ones that grow under the canopy and ground covers, together absorbing more CO2 than a short layer of grass
I'm doing my part, my back yard is an inner city subtropical rain forest (weeds bigger than me, even growing some of my own food supplements. raspberries and mulberries along with my tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, lettuce) destroying all the CO2 and making oxygen for everyone else to enjoy.... should be charging for it............
not to mention all the pollutants and contaminants I pull from peoples carpets and upholstery, which I promptly deposit on their lawns, fertilizing and watering them, so they can produce more oxygen too.........

(do we have a Smilie that pats his own back, I want one of them.....