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Hello from SW Florida
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:21 pm
by Vanutty
Just came across this site last night when I was surfing the web on Astros. I wish I would of found it sooner, as I've always loved the style of the vans.
I'll be picking up a 2000 cargo in a couple days that I'll be using for my business.
My father works for a local beer distributor and their selling off the ones they have and replacing with new vans and trucks. Like I said, this will mainly be used as a work van, I own a local wood floor installation company, so it won't be all tricked. Though I do have plans for wheels and tires in the near future, and a nice wrap with pictures of my work on it. Possibly even a little droping. I guess the serious tricking will have to wait until I get an older shorty cargo.
As I said, I have always loved the style of the vans. My second job in life was for a local company called "Happy Times Vans". A conversion company. We would get bone stock cargos in (they even had cardboard seats) and make them fully custom. We would do Fords and Chevys and GMC's, both full size and astros/safaris. This being back in the mid eighties we were getting the shortys, and I just fell in love with the body style. It was my favorite van to work on. To this day, every time I see an Astro, especially a shorty, I just think, "Damn, that van would look sweet with some rims and a little work".
Glad I found this site and others with a passion for the vans. I should of known a site like this did exist, just never tried to find one.
Pics to come in a few days, when I get mine.
Re: Hello from SW Florida
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:43 am
by wagonmaster
Welcome aboard! Good folks here.
Re: Hello from SW Florida
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 2:46 am
by peter
Welcome aboard. Where in SW Fla are you? I have firends in Cape Coral and Lehigh (sp) acres
Re: Hello from SW Florida
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:12 am
by Fire Cakes
peter wrote:Welcome aboard. Where in SW Fla are you? I have firends in Cape Coral and Lehigh (sp) acres
Peter how many times do we have to tell you. They aren't your friends.......................they are people who put up with your nonsense because they don't have any other choice. For cripes sakes you show up on their front steps with a tag attached to your neck that says ...........................Please look after this "boy" he is in need of a few people that will associate with him so he can call them "friends". I am surprised they didn't just tie a bone around your neck and throw you to the dogs. The world would be a much happier place had that been the case.
Don't worry Peter the neighborhood is all patrolled and all the house work and yard work are done.

Re: Hello from SW Florida
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:44 am
by Rebel
peter wrote:
Welcome aboard. Where in SW Fla are you? I have firends in Cape Coral and Lehigh (sp) acres
Peter how many times do we have to tell you. They aren't your friends.......................they are people who put up with your nonsense because they don't have any other choice. For cripes sakes you show up on their front steps with a tag attached to your neck that says ...........................Please look after this "boy" he is in need of a few people that will associate with him so he can call them "friends". I am surprised they didn't just tie a bone around your neck and throw you to the dogs. The world would be a much happier place had that been the case.
Don't worry Peter the neighborhood is all patrolled and all the house work and yard work are done.
Welcome to ASV's,,great folks and all willing to help.

Re: Hello from SW Florida
Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 7:47 am
by WVKayaker
Welcome! I am partial to the "shorty" style myself. Currently looking for one to trade with my '99.
Wish I had known about this site before I bought my AWD '99 and sold my dear to me '90 shorty.
Would have lifted it and installed a posi rear. I miss that van

Re: Hello from SW Florida
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:58 am
by meetthespeakers
Welcome aboard!
Re: Hello from SW Florida
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 9:06 am
by dafrogtoad
"My father works for a local beer distributor and their selling off the ones they have and replacing with new vans and trucks."
Perhaps some folks here would be willing to help your dad dispose of those old vans?
Re: Hello from SW Florida
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:10 pm
by d3athm3talh3ad
"My father works for a local beer distributor and their selling off the ones they have and replacing with new vans and trucks."
Perhaps some folks here would be willing to help your dad dispose of those old vans?
some would be willing to help dispose of the beer too!!
Re: Hello from SW Florida
Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:19 pm
by Vanutty
Thanks for the welcomes.
Got the van today. Only it wasn't a cargo. They were all gone. One guy bought seven of them. Oh well, it will work. Plus the bench seat will come in handy for when I have to tote the kids somewhere with it. Man, I never realized how much room there was with the bench seat still in.
It does need a little work on the interior. Carpet is pretty much done. This van was used for draft cleaning and light deliveries. There are also a couple issues with pass window, hood latch, and AC(hopefully just needs charging), nothing I can't figure out myself.....I hope. Doing a search, I found some good tips and fixes, so in the next couple days I'll be tinkering.
I'll try to get a couple pics up by the weekend.
dafrogtoad wrote:
Perhaps some folks here would be willing to help your dad dispose of those old vans?
They do have a few left.
Re: Hello from SW Florida
Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:04 pm
by Vanutty
Got the van. Here's a pic.

Re: Hello from SW Florida
Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 9:32 am
by phr1$k37
Well hello and welcome to ASV!!!
Whatever plans you have for the your ride please share with us ... oh and always remember to toss the receipt right away! That way you can honest to say "I dont know!?" when the behalf asks how much you have spent hehe.