Grumpy - Now with 100% less oil leaks

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Grumpy - Now with 100% less oil leaks

Post by ihatemybike »

Grumpy has been leaking oil for a while now. Thought it was the oil cooler line crimps originally, but closer inspection showed it was leaking from the oil cooler adapter. Quick trip to AdvanceAuto for the gasket kit (<$4) and oil filter, then a run to Wal-Mart for cheap oil. Was a very easy job to do, only requires the removal of two bolts after the filter is out of the way, cleaning of the gasket surfaces, and then re-assembly. Now I can park it on the driveway without worrying about having a couple layers of cardboard under it.
Last edited by ihatemybike on Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Grumpy - Now with 100% less oil leaks

Post by midnighthunder89 »

yay :partyman:
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Re: Grumpy - Now with 100% less oil leaks

Post by T.Low »

Nice job.

Thats a good reminder that oil leaks can sometimes be a quick fix. Usually people just think its a leaker and thats it.
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Re: Grumpy - Now with 100% less oil leaks

Post by ihatemybike »

Yeah, people don't seem to mind that their cars leak. I usually end up fixing it, as I hate having to constantly worry about my oil level.

2005 Astro (Gandalf) - AWD, 4.3L, 3.42, 130k+ miles
1997 Astro (Grumpy - $250 Rally Van) - AWD, 4.3L, 3.42, LSD, 2" lift, 31" tires, 335k+ orig engine, $30 eBay fuel pump
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Re: Grumpy - Now with 100% less oil leaks

Post by peter »

My tranny oil cooler's been leaking for the last month. I've always managed to find a reason to postpone fixing it. Maybe this weekend.... :smurf:
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Re: Grumpy - Now with 100% less oil leaks

Post by 89AstroDan »

Does this mean that the price of gas is going down soon?
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