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My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:58 pm
by dj_joker_2002
After 7 great years (except her daughter died) she left and never returned , she even left her other daughter with the grandparents - I think she's having a midlife crisis- we have talked since and she says she loves me and is still in love with me but she can't come back. :toimonster:

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 2:59 pm
by skippy
Dude sorry to hear about your drama . but maybe shes going through the "change " or even a medical problem . my wife had sists growing on her thyroid gland that threw her hormones all outa wack . after she was diagnosed (which took forever ) & treated her doctor basicly praised me for sticking with her cuz most women that go through thyroid problem wind up in divorce cuz of all the drama it causes .
either way hang in there , & try to talk with her . communication is the key in any problem .

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 3:24 pm
by Mongke Khan
I'd argue that communication right now won't get you very far. I recommend heavy drinking.

If she wants to come back to you, and if you want her back, things will have changed, irreparably, it will never be the same as it was, but you'll survive.

Welcome to Life.

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 3:38 pm
by 91AWDAstro
That sucks. I think there is something going around lately. I feel for you, after 11 years of marriage my wife decided she thinks the grass is greener on the other side. Makes me wonder she's been diagnosed with thyroid problems too.

We're here for you

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:09 pm
by T.Low
Man Down..we got a man down, boys. Like Chris said, we're here for ya as much as we can be.

No real words of wisdom from me...just that we've all been there to one extent or another, brother...

When the All American girl next door dumped me 15 or so years ago (when she said she wanted her man to wear a suit to work, I found out she didn't mean 3mm neoprene), I listenned to this song over and over again in my car for almost a month straight...nothing else...till the pain was all but drained from my life. Then one day I put in a different song and turned the page.

Edit: Lyrics: ... yrics.html

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:21 pm
by uncle-vinny
DJ, I don't know how to help you because I don't know the situation. There can be many issues involved. However, Jesus knows the story. Talk to him and just ask him to give you wisdom and patience. He listens when we talk to him. I will also say a prayer for you and ask him to help you.

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 6:43 pm
by kings-x59
Man, sorry to hear that. Some events cause people to come unhinged. Some things we cannot fix.

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:41 am
by Rebel
Had one of those years ago,,she headed to Wal-Mart one day, then called her to pick up something,,said she was headed to Va. for a few months,,last I ever heard from her. Thank god and Grayhound she's gone.
It do get better,,,,really.

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 2:31 am
by dj_joker_2002
I think the worst part is I am all alone in this 5 bedroom home I bought for her and her kids. I am lost. May 1st 2007 her daughter died at the age of ten and she never took the time to grieve and now anything new keeps her from doing so. I will get past this but will she ever heal? I am staying totally away from her and not answering her calls. But she has so much stuff still in my home. I can't sell cause the market sucks and I don't want to let it go and ruin my credit either. I don't want to be here alone. so I am stuck.

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:38 am
by mattblackratbus
Hey DJ my thoughts and prayers are for you right now, keep strong brother, and as the Rev says find a little time to ask the Lord for help. Things in life don't always make sense and sometimes it's easy to loose track and give up, but you must keep strong, if you need to talk we are all here for you always.......Johnny

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:49 am
by skippy
As johnny , chris & tom have said we're here if you need to talk or vent . the one thing that sets this forum off from different car/van forums is that we're more like an extended family than just a van forum , we're here to help each other in no matter what is effecting our lives . good times or bad , we're here for you .

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:05 pm
by dumb lady
Sorry to hear about your heartbreak. It may take some time to heal. But like others here said, everything happens for a reason.
And I have to agree with Uncle Vinny. Talk to Jesus about it. That may sound corny to some, but you can get great comfort & clarity of mind through prayer. Prayer & talking to God has helped me through a lot of life's stuff.
Hang in there... Things will get better.

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 1:13 am
by GEJ
skippy wrote:As johnny , chris & tom have said we're here if you need to talk or vent . the one thing that sets this forum off from different car/van forums is that we're more like an extended family than just a van forum , we're here to help each other in no matter what is effecting our lives . good times or bad , we're here for you .

Yeah-I agree with Skippy and all the rest here.In terms of me-my inbox is open 24/7 for pm's.

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:03 am
by dj_joker_2002
I have been meditating, praying, lifting weights and taking 4 to 5 mile walks
I am getting stronger by the day. friends tell me she looks terrible , losing weight, bags under her eyes , not wearing make up etc etc. I thing she is going through the change and her daughters death is pushing that forward.
I also believe one day she will call and want to talk. either way I am getting on with my life, I took on a young couple with a baby as borders and what they pay me is half my morgage so the house is mine.I express my gratitude to all of you and you are all in my prayers for being there. Thank You

Re: My girl left me out of the blue friday night

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:09 am
by Southern
Glad to hear that your making forward progress DJ.
If it fits your lifestyle I would recommend a dog. They love walks and are truly a man's best friend.
Hope things work out for the best. We are here for your support.