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greets from germany, europe

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:52 am
by the european
hi there!

there are some miles between us (okay, and some water too...) but this will not be the problem... ;-)

my problem is your language and (you will see, i promise ;-) ) sometimes i have to ask two or three times before i understand...

my name is DEREK, 41 jears old from germany (close to cologne and bonn).

in germany there are only a few astro-vans and we are a very small community...

i'm one of the lucky guys with an girlfriend on my side which has the same "weired thinking", she drives an astro, too...
so: for the moment we've got three astro vans (`87, 2wd, short, stock), ('96, ext, 2wd, cobra) and an `97, ext, 4wd, 2" lift).
we have owned two other astro's before and so we've got some experience...
the '97 astro we imported from japan with an very low mileage (18.000mls) half an year ago.

we are crazy for our dog's PAUL and KALLE and they are the reason, why we bought our first astro (we needed the space).

my job is renting mask-mobiles and cast-trailers to movie productions, my girlfriend is the manager of the home and the "mum" for the dogs...

you see: it's not so easy for me to express myself and to find the correct words.
so: if i make mistakes, please tell me! i'll never learn it, when nobody gives an advice to my mistakes...

i hope i can give some of my experience to you and learn something from you ;-)

if there are any questions about my person, don't hesitate to ask...

greets from europe


Re: greets from germany, europe

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:58 am
by Rebel
Welcome to ASV's. Sounds like you have alot of Astro experience. As for your use of the language,lol,what can I say ? Being from south Alabama, I won't even go there. You're doing fine, no problem at all. We all like pictures, so post when ya can. :bounce:

Re: greets from germany, europe

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:01 am
by astrozam
Sounds like interesting work Derek thanks for the intro, don't worry about the English language I think you do a pretty good job of it,much better than I do of German, :D

Re: greets from germany, europe

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 10:31 am
by ihatemybike
Welcome to the board!

Your English is doing fine so far, we'll always do what we can to help ya. I know a couple times we've had people post in broken English and in their native language in order to use web based translators or previous foreign language experience to help the original poster out.

Re: greets from germany, europe

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:15 am
by thevalleyboy
Guten Tag - Welcome to the board/forum. I love Germany - went there for Ocktoberfest a few years ago, beautiful country, did a bit of touring around hit Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Germany. I plan to bring the boys back.... the beer was way to good! As for your English skill other than a few words in a different order than we would typically say them - its fine. Beside I don't think we have any English majors around here do we? :canuk:

Re: greets from germany, europe

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 2:13 pm
by kamenz
Guten Tag Derek,wenns zu schwierig wird koennen wir uns immer noch in unserer Heimatsprache verstaendigen,doch so wie es aussieht haben Sie keine Schwierigkeit mit der Sprache.Wenn Sie unter meinen "post" schauen koennen Sie einige Bilder von meinen Bus-van finden.Bin fuer Jahre VW gefahren,mein letzter war ein Westy Syncro T3 Model.Die Bilder sind under dem Titel "when you go camping"

Re: greets from germany, europe

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 4:10 pm
by Smiliesafari
Welcome Derek. As you will soon learn, this is a great site. There is a wealth of information and an even greater wealth of great people. \:D/

Re: greets from germany, europe

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:03 am
by 89AstroDan
Great to have you here Derek. You seem to have a great sense of humor and a love of the Astro, you'll fit right in. And don't worry about the language barrier, we struggle with our language ourselves.

Re: greets from germany, europe

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 1:35 pm
by the european

thank you for the friendly & warm welcome wishes!!! (and one in perfect german language!!!)

seems to be a nice forum...hope it's still with me on your side ;)

as i promised i posted some pics in the "pics of members van"-area... maybe you like them.

now i want to read a little bit more in the forum, hope i'll understand something...

greets from your newbie


Re: greets from germany, europe

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:32 am
by st4s
and you were saying lately - while staying overnight - that you wouldn't dare taking part because of your deficient language skills ?! lol

Re: greets from germany, europe

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:47 am
by the european
hi frank!

yes, you're right...

have you seen when i've been registered in this forum? nearly one year ago... but now i've to try it.

it doesn't help to say all the time "i can't and so i'll not do..."
when you want to learn swim, you have to go into the water...

maybe it works, maybe not... we'll see...

but i'm happy to have you here on my side...maybe i'll cry for your help sometimes...



Re: greets from germany, europe

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:26 am
by phr1$k37

Welcome derek!!! Man you are lurker! One year eh?
Glad to have pulled you out in to the sunshine. Keep posting and reading and your English will improve. Glad to have you onboard!

Re: greets from germany, europe

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:37 am
by 91AWDAstro
Welcome! It's nice to see people around the globe with Astros!

I spent some time over in Germany as well. Beautiful country! I loved being in the Alps.
