Curiously, the engine was painted Chevy orange, but underneath that was the factory color of light blue.
That color really got me wondering about the engine; blue gave way to black in the early 80s--the engine color of my 82 Olds Delta 88 is black, for instance. I wrote down the numbers that appeared on the boss above the water pump: 557752-3B.
As soon as I got home I hit the net and did a search for that number. I found that the engine is a 77-80 Olds 350; the heads carried the designation of 3A and that also agreed with the date span of 77 to 80.
I had to check it out further, so I went back to the junkyard. I found a piece of barstock nearby to use as a lever and tried to rotate the engine by using the bar in the flywheel. The engine freely turned.
Okay, I was psyched at this point. A 350 Olds is unheard of in the junkyard I usually frequent, and finding one that can be rotated is beyond rare.
I couldn't resist, I asked the office what they wanted for it, figuring (hoping, actually) that the price would shut me down. But they only wanted $75 for it and I couldn't say no. Just couldn't bear to see an Olds 350 wasting away on the engine pile; the thing would have haunted me if I had left it there. So, I stacked the Astro's rear seat on top of the middle one and had them load the Olds engine up.
The Astro squatted abit at the inclusion of another V8, but it was no problem for the suspension and we got home with no problems.
I immediately began to tear it apart as I knew there was rainwater inside it. I wasn't wrong about that, two of the cylinders were nearly full as were several runners in the intake manifold. The oil pan must have had a gallon of water in it. But surprisingly the engine was not rusted internally anywhere. Even more surpisingly was that the engine had been recently rebuilt, or at least not run much after the rebuild since the honing crosshatch pattern can still be seen in the cylinders.
So, right now the engine is in pieces drying out in my shop. I've used a roll of paper towels and nearly a can of WD-40 mopping it out. I intend to see what it'll take to bring it back to life. Not really sure what I'll do with it once it's back together, but the idea of an Olds 350 powering my 89 Astro is appealing to me. Of course, it would bolt right into my 82 Olds Delta 88 with no problems. Oh, the possibilities...