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how can I convert a 4.3 electronic ignition to mechanical?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:44 pm
by batmo
as far as I am aware there was no points type ignitions available for the 4.3 so interchanging with an old distributor (except mabey an old Buick) is probably not an option.

any thoughts on how one would go about making mechanical ignition (points type) for the 4.3?

I guess I need to look at an old 350 V8 distributor first and see if it will drop into the 4.3 (1986 model 4.3 BTW) it should as from what I understand they are basically the same.

anyone know if the cam on the early 350 dist. shafts is removable offhand?

and since I know the first questions will be why would I want to do this...

I want an EMP proof ignition so incase there is ever a huge electro magnetic pulse due to solar or nuclear or other EMP activity I could still drive The Van.


Re: how can I convert a 4.3 electronic ignition to mechanical?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:48 pm
by lockdoc

I think I'll sit this one out. :muhaha:

Re: how can I convert a 4.3 electronic ignition to mechanical?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 6:59 pm
by snapple
Welcome to ASV!
Any chance you just watched War of the Worlds recently? :poke:

Re: how can I convert a 4.3 electronic ignition to mechanical?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:06 pm
by batmo
no, Im an old Boy Scout.. you know the motto

just want point type as a back up.

I knew I would get these responces but Im also serious so if you have positive input on the subject I would apreciate it.

now consider how many vehicles become imobile imediately and who would be laughing.


Re: how can I convert a 4.3 electronic ignition to mechanical?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:34 pm
by mdmead
Your right, as I was reading the request, I was wondering WHY??

But I do understand and actually it isn't a bad idea.

I don't have an answer for you... but since a V-8 swap is a straightforward swap, maybe you can kill two birds with one stone and swap in an old points-equipped V-8.

Re: how can I convert a 4.3 electronic ignition to mechanical?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:38 pm
by robertg
all kidding aside....

you might be able to use an old points distributor for a small block chevy, but then you'd have to find a distributor cap that would fit.

and honestly, do you REALLY want to pull the doghouse that often to set the points?

Re: how can I convert a 4.3 electronic ignition to mechanical?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:09 pm
by lockdoc
How about you just keep spare parts with you. I don't know if your 86 is carbed or fuel injection. That was the change over year. If injected you have to get a carb setup as your computer will be killed. Plus you will need to find an OLD alternator that uses a mechanical regulator or you won't have power very long. If this were a real worry for me I would just get an old car for "just in case".

Re: how can I convert a 4.3 electronic ignition to mechanical?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:15 pm
by batmo
lockdoc couldnt resist LOL and I really apreciate it too because I wasnt aware the voltage regulator was also vunerable. yes, spare parts that will hopefully and probably allways be spare parts.

Ive got older cars and bikes but they are not my Van.

I will eventually get to the V8 conversion but my original 4.3 is now at 333,330 (should pull it over at 33,333.3 for a photo on my next drive?) and runs fine with only a faint hint of blue puffs at start up after sitting longer than a couple of days. Im kinda enjoying seeing just how far this "GM product" everybody loves to hate will go.

Its had many replacement parts (maintenance) but the bottom end is original.

Im pretty sure its got another 100thou left.. and Im well beyond a backyard tuner, its been expertly maintained. I have the "doghouse" removed in less than 5 min, pass. swivel seat has quick release which makes it a breeze.

yeah Im thinking a smallblock distibutor but the excentric (cam) was cast into the shafts. not as simple as changing the cap.. and making the correct cam profile for it from scratch is a duanting task.


Re: how can I convert a 4.3 electronic ignition to mechanical?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:17 pm
by Kidhauler
You can't really use a V8 dist as it would be trying to put 8 sparks in to 6cyl. Yes I think you watch too much TV but on a serious note. If the van is turned off at the time of the blast it would still work after. Or for alot less money and agravation you could go find yourself a old points ignition on off road dirt bike and chuck it in the back of the garage for about $500. If there was some kind of nuke or explosion a dirt bike would get around alot better.

But on a serious note please climb out of your bomb shelter and enjoy the weather its nice outside you know.

Re: how can I convert a 4.3 electronic ignition to mechanical?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:25 pm
by batmo
Kidhauler wrote:You can't really use a V8 dist as it would be trying to put 8 sparks in to 6cyl. Yes I think you watch too much TV but on a serious note. If the van is turned off at the time of the blast it would still work after. Or for alot less money and agravation you could go find yourself a old points ignition on off road dirt bike and chuck it in the back of the garage for about $500. If there was some kind of nuke or explosion a dirt bike would get around alot better.

But on a serious note please climb out of your bomb shelter and enjoy the weather its nice outside you know.
old dirbike: check


me watching too much TV HAhaha, if you only knew me.. wont even have a need for one after "The Transition" Hahaha

Re: how can I convert a 4.3 electronic ignition to mechanical?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:33 pm
by batmo


it really is nice outside

sorry, couldnt resist..

Re: how can I convert a 4.3 electronic ignition to mechanical?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:16 pm
by Kidhauler
I like the second shot is that a klr 650? My son has nearly the same bike but his is a xr 80

Re: how can I convert a 4.3 electronic ignition to mechanical?

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:39 am
by batmo
Check This Out!

Mallory has just now made new dual-point distributors for the 4.3, available to purchase by the end of this month.

little too late as Im allready in the proccess of a 383 crate engine build up with a Motec engine management system. but I will have a good points distributor and carb on the shelf ready to plop on there at a moments notice LOL!

Re: how can I convert a 4.3 electronic ignition to mechanical?

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:35 pm
by Kidhauler
In the event of impending doom why not just steal a car after what ever disaster renders electronic ignition useless. If all else fails take the neighbors car. :poke: The problem wouldn't be the car not running the problem would be fueling up once you run out of gas. the Gas station runs on a electric pump to get the fuel to the pumps. Remember to get a 5 gallon gas can and a chunk of hose so you can pinch gas from the other neighbor who's car you didn't steal.

Please post some pics of the 383 build and any problems you find along the way as one of the members in Vancouver is talking about doing 383 in his van next year sometime.