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Rust problems on Toyotas...
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 11:59 am
by BC-Astro
If this problem was with GM, it would be splashed all over the front pages of most newspapers. Why isn't Toyota getting the same treatment. ](*,)
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Re: Rust problems on Toyotas...
Posted: Thu May 28, 2009 3:41 pm
by mdmead
Wow! But over the years, Toyota has done a pretty good job of taking care of their customers. I recall they fixed a lot of V-6 engines on their dime, with many having over 100K miles on them. Yes, customers had to bitch, but it got done.
Re: Rust problems on Toyotas...
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 6:48 am
by crash
I posted this on my dakota site back in feb..
I just came back from a wrecker run. usually, I see the yard guys running around in beaten barely running smashed rotted cars. generally, vehicles going to the wreckers are just that, wrecked. today I see a really sweet black 4x4 ext cab laoded with alloys driving around. i stop the guy and ask about it... saying it must be like driving a rolls royce compared to his usual ride. 'yep' is what he says (they aren't big talkers). i asked if it donated by the new toyota plant here in woodstock or something? (i could see what was a toyota sticker on the bed). he says 'nope, recall, write off'. cool, i said and trudged on about my business.
i get into the yard and see another 4 just as mint as the one he was in, another 8 a little rougher but still really nice. then i see two more rows of 2wd versions, maybe 6 or 8 trucks.
i get back into the office and ask the guy when i'm payin ... what's the deal with the toyota's ?
this was part of the frame rot recall. toyota was cutting checks of the 'value when new' to the current owner if it was one of the rotted frame trucks. they all went from the dealers, or toyota canada, sold to the wreckers to be parted out for a whopping $200 each. they are not to be repaired or resold. the one guy in the office said some aren't all that bad and repairable, but, that's what they gots to do with them. he also mentioned a friend that picked one up for $4000 when the recall was announced and turned it in collecting $15,000 from toyota. not a bad scam. they'll do that or give you the 'new' value towards a new model purchase. they figure that all that were to be recalled and inspected have bee, up here anyway.
Re: Rust problems on Toyotas...
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 5:13 pm
by Someone
this was part of the frame rot recall. toyota was cutting checks of the 'value when new' to the current owner if it was one of the rotted frame trucks. they all went from the dealers, or toyota canada, sold to the wreckers to be parted out for a whopping $200 each. they are not to be repaired or resold. the one guy in the office said some aren't all that bad and repairable, but, that's what they gots to do with them. he also mentioned a friend that picked one up for $4000 when the recall was announced and turned it in collecting $15,000 from toyota. not a bad scam. they'll do that or give you the 'new' value towards a new model purchase. they figure that all that were to be recalled and inspected have bee, up here anyway.
My buddy who I am building a truck for now got $18000 cash for his 98 tacoma this spring... it bought him an 05 tundra for cash..
really it could have been patched easy.
Can not beat that.
Toyota has come a long ways with the quality of there bodies over the last 20 years.. trust me I part them out and have seen the worst of them
Re: Rust problems on Toyotas...
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 5:31 pm
by T.Low
I had a '95 (1st year of the 2nd gen) Taco back in '97. 37k miles and the rear leafs broke one day while I was backing out of a normal suburban driveway. a thousand miles out of warranty. I was persistent enough to get Toyota to atleast pay for the labor and a rental car but i had to pay for the parts.
Rental car turned out to be a good deal; I told them I needed an equivalent vehicle so they paid enough for me to get an s10 BLazer and the leafsprings were on back order for 55 days. At the 30 day mark, I was trashing the Blazer pretty good so i exchanged it for an XJ.