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pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 1:17 pm
by T.Low
Ok, I'm really, really pissed off. Really pissed. Yes, I'm being selfish at this point, I realize...
Look at this frikin guy;
He's a rock of strength. A pillar of the family. A stud. The guy everyone wants to hang out with because of who he genuinely is. Some of you know him as my brother in law, the man who helped me install the lift and T case etc. He's become a great friend over the years.
Well, we found out yesterday, out of the blue, that he has Stage 3 Non Hodgkins Lymphoma.
37 yrs old, a 6 yr old son, 4 yr old daughter, lovely devoted wife. There are 3 siblings including my wife, him, and an adopted Asian sister. They along with their father are the tightest family I have ever seen. (the mother bugged out when my wife was 4yrs old, and the father raised them on his own). I've told my wife that fter seeing the dynamic between the three of them, we definitely need to have three kids. He's the one of the smartest guys I know. He's sturdy and stable as a rock. He has worked hard to set up his life so that he can spend quality time with his family while providing a very good income for them. Doesn't drink often, doesn't smoke. He is "there" for so many people. If the family was a hockey team, he'd be team captain soon, if not now that my father in law is getting older.
My study on this type of cancer is that you may have 2 months, 50% make it to 5yrs, 25% make it 10 yrs.
Life can be so random, so unjust. I'm pissed, we're sad, all the different emotions that go along with these things. I realize that this is part of everday life in the world. I know I just need to be there for her and the family. I feel so bad for her.
Thanks for letting me vent, Zammer, and all at ASV, without passing judgement. Take care.
If anybody has family issues of there own, please feel free to express them in this thread.
Re: pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 2:12 pm
by Smiliesafari
Definitely bad news. I feel your pain and frustration. My youngest brother died at 42. Now for the good news. It is not necessarily a death sentence. By all means be strong. These people are going to need you. I vote for the 25% group. Maybe even better odds with modern medicine.
Re: pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 2:40 pm
by T.Low
Smiliesafari wrote:Definitely bad news. I feel your pain and frustration. My youngest brother died at 42. Now for the good news. It is not necessarily a death sentence. By all means be strong. These people are going to need you. I vote for the 25% group. Maybe even better odds with modern medicine.

Re: pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 2:46 pm
by astrozam
We are like an extended family Tom, so feel free to talk/rant whatever... get it off your chest. I don't have any experience knowing anyone with this specific cancer but I do know others with cancer the initial shock of hearing about someone you care for being diagnosed is devastating at 1st and often we immediately think the worst will happen, but there are many who have beaten the odds so never give up in hoping for the best outcome, positive energy and outlook cannot be stressed enough, anytime you need to talk about it feel free.
Re: pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:37 pm
by kings-x59
Really sorry to hear it T.
I've never understood why such bad things happen to good people, meanwhile the evil seem to live forever.
Re: pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 8:41 pm
by Kidhauler
Hey Tom.
Sorry to hear about your brother in law I know you guys are tight. My mother was given 6-18 months when she was diagnosed with cancer and she made it nearly 4 years. It is all in the mind set and attitude of the patient. I hope he has the best possible out come. We are always up for a good rant if you need to blow off steam. Lord knows we have all used the board for that at one point or another I know I sure have.
Re: pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:27 pm
by mdmead
I'm so sorry Tom.
Here's wishing you and your family all the best during this time.
Re: pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 2:32 am
by reaper
Tom,I am really sorry to hear this.
Im sure we'll meet up again soon & if you want to talk about it
feel free to do so,Im all ears.
Re: pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 9:16 am
by T.Low
Thanks for all the support guys. Kevin, those are the real stories that give you more hope, thanks.
We are going down to Seattle today and we'll all BBQ at their house and hang together for the first time since the news broke.
Yesterday was of course very emotional, but I was so relieved to still see Jen able to laugh a few times thruought the day. He really means everything to her.
I asked her if she thinks he would spend more time riding his dual sport because he loves it so much, or less time so he can spend more with the family. She said he'll probably work it out so he does more of both. So I said, "Well I should probably buy a dual sport then."

She laughed pretty good at that one...because she knows its the right thing to do. Gotta get out and make some more good memories.
You guys are the best, thanks again. Have a great holiday weekend. Wether you are camping, mountain climbing, fishing, gardenning, or watching golf on tv, just make sure you are enjoying the hell out of it.
Re: pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 8:25 pm
by rlsllc
I don't have the words to offer, but I'll think about you and your family.
Re: pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 12:27 am
by T.Low
rlsllc wrote:I don't have the words to offer, but I'll think about you and your family.
Thanks a bunch. Thats good to hear.
Re: pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 7:26 am
by GnarliSafari
my father was diagnosed with hodgkins in 92 making me about 8, and him about 31/32. i didnt fully understand what was going on at the time, but i do know its the only time ive ever seen my old man cry, luckily for us it was caught early on and his body was rather cooperative so he went into remission soon thereafter. it came back around 99 and once again went back into remission. now its been 17+ years since we first heard the bad news and he is doing well these days but it is still a scary thought, and very saddening whenever i hear of someone else who is going through a similar situation. stay strong, stay by his side, and treasure all the times youve spent with him and all the times to come!
Re: pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 4:51 pm
by dunedog
Jen and Tom,
I hadn't posted, but have thought of you guys often this weekend.
Know that whatever good my prayers are, they are yours.
When you arrived on this forum,I knew almost immediately you 'Lived Life' !
It has been a pleasure reading about your trips and outings. It has given me a boast to do more with my life. To the point of learning how to ride a horse at age 57 !!!
Life is about not having regrets!! Jen's brother is definitely a positive person ,so keep that positive aura going....
Regards,Jim Singiser (Dune)
Re: pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 5:18 pm
by LiftedAWDAstro
Very sorry to hear this bad news Tom. You and Jen are in our thoughts and prayers as is your BIL and especially his wife and 2 kids. Get out there this summer and take him and his kids on a LONG camping trip in the van he helped build! The more memories you give to his kids and yourselves the better.
Re: pretty upset. strong content, thanks for the place to rant.
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 7:54 pm
by T.Low
Thanks again so much guys. I know first hand the power of prayer so I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
We just hung out and spent time together this weekend.
He and I jumped on his dual sports and rode arouond the noghborhood in our shorts and teva sandles and Snell approved sunglasses. He got a go cart set up from a friend, so he took the motor off his old roto tiller and put the
Go back in the go cart.
His 4 yr old daughter and 6 yr old son and took a few more laps thru the neighborhood with him on the go cart, then around his yard, and up and down his long drive way. We rode everything he had with wheels, fired off all the fireworks, ate BBQ and strawberry short cake. The he made his favorite home made firework, an acetylene oxygen bomb, and man is it loud! DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!
After everybody left or went to bed, he asked about wheeling the van. I told him about the steering linkage rubbing on the crank pulley in extreme cross axle situations and right away, at 10:30pm, he moved the dirt bikes out of the way and had me pull my van into his garage and up onto the hoist. He wanted to see for himself. He pryed the center linkage in a little, that didn't screw up my steering at all and may give me another 1/2" to 3/8" of room, which should be plenty, actually. It may take a while to find out how effective it was, but thats good too I suppose.
It was time well spent. Hope you all had as good of a holiday as we did. Cheers.