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To my U.S. brethren, Happy 4th
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 8:07 pm
by kings-x59
burn ban in Harris county this 4th, no pyrotechniques for us this year. Have some family coming over, going to do some grilling. Enjoy independence while you can, it's rapidly being eroded.
Re: To my U.S. brethren, Happy 4th
Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 8:51 pm
by Rebel
and to you Steve. Hope all have a great 4th.

Re: To my U.S. brethren, Happy 4th
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 4:21 am
by crash
Happy 4th !!!
I have a couple of Canadian questions: :-k
1 why do you refer to a BBQ 'machine' as a grill? A grill is the metal part that sits just above the burner that the food items are cooked on. not the entire contraption. Also useful for stopping the food items from falling onto the burner/coals. "Jimmy got a huge new gas grill he can cook a whole cow on". The grill isn't gas, nor does it have any kind of gas input/hookup. the BBQ is/does. the grill is an inanimate piece of metal.
2 why do you refer to anything that is cooked on said 'grill' of the BBQ, as 'BBQ'. As in: "we had some great BBQ". when in fact, you had some great steak, chicken, sausages etc that were cooked on grill of the BBQ. "mmm Jimmy knows how to make some awesome BBQ". Such a statement would actually mean that 'Jimmy' build or constructed the BBQ machine and does it well.
In the event that you have a get together of family and friends where the primary source of cooking is a BBQ. The event is often referred to as 'a BBQ'. "we had a great drunken BBQ at Jimmy's place on Saturday".
I normally understand most of the different US/Canadianisms that are used and let them go ... this one, for some reason, has always befuddled me, maybe because it's used so frequently.. LOL
any help/explanation would be great.... thanks!

Re: To my U.S. brethren, Happy 4th
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:35 am
by Smiliesafari
Re: To my U.S. brethren, Happy 4th
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 7:29 am
by Rebel

Skip,,at the 96, we call it a cook out and we grilled a steak or chicken or whatever.
The term BBQ is only used when Pork is being cooked with BBQ sauce but it was BBQ'd or smoked on the grill.
Hope that helps ya out as to what we call it in Alabama Crash.

In other words, BBQ is the name of a dish, not the process.
Re: To my U.S. brethren, Happy 4th
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 5:17 pm
by Kabey's Van
I understand the dialect thing, and that makes perfect sense, but then Larry starts talking about Alabama crash and how some foods with barbeque sauce are concidered this and that.
Alabama crash, is that road kill or........
Now I'm all confused again.
Happy Independance Day everyone.
Re: To my U.S. brethren, Happy 4th
Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 7:29 pm
by crash
Well thanks guys... That makes sense, I never considered the dialect thing. Hope everyone had a great day!
Re: To my U.S. brethren, Happy 4th
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:11 am
by T.Low
Happy 4rth of July everybody.
We went down to Seattle to my brother in laws and did our best rendition of a typical American family get together; My bro in law and I rode dirt bikes thru the neighborhood in our shorts and teva sandles with no helmets, just safety rated sunglasses.
Then he climbed onto his home made go cart with his 4 yr old daughter and 6 yr old son and took a few more laps thru the neighborhood, around his yard, and up and down his long drive way. We rode everything he had with wheels, fired off all the fireworks, ate BBQ and strawberry short cake. The he made his favorite home made firework, an acetylene oxygen bomb, and man is it loud! DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!
After everybody left or went to bed, he asked about wheeling the van. I told him about the steering linkage rubbing on the crank pulley in extreme cross axle situations and right away, at 10:30pm, he moved the dirt bikes out of the way and had me pull my van into his garage and up onto the hoist. He wanted to see for himself. He pryed the center linkage in a little, that didn't screw up my steering at all and may give me another 3/8" of room, which should be plenty, actually. It may take a while to find out how effective it was, but thats good too I suppose.
It was time well spent. Hope you all had as good of a holiday as we did. Cheers.
Oh, and wasn't this posted on ASV before; The BBQ Song? This explains it.
Re: To my U.S. brethren, Happy 4th
Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 7:54 am
by Rebel
but then Larry starts talking about Alabama crash
Crash is who I was speaking to, not a description. Think the Youtube video pretty well says it all.