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Did some fishin this past weekend - pics
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 6:44 pm
by kings-x59
Had a nice cool shore breeze, gulf laid down
The dark line in the water are fish churning, tens of thousands of skipjacks, also known as lady fish
we got there to do some wade fishing just at sunrise, we were in hopes that the specks would be running. If I had a waterproof camera, I'd have some picks of the fish scatter as the black tip sharks ripped trough the schools. Skipjacks are a bitch to keep on a hook, they are brethren to tarpon. when you hook 'em they come out of the water and shake the hook out. We landed eight, 10 to 15 inches. The experience of standing in the middle of all that action was like being in the forest in fall when the wind blows hard, the leaves scatter and blow, the action in the water was the same. I've never seen anything like it.

My newest fishin buddy, My granddaughter, "scooter" I call her. She's already exhibiting a concerted concentration on her bobber. just shy of 4 years old.

The artistic shot my wife took a while back of the store/marine fuel/bait camp across from the family house on the "crik".
and last but not least, two of my other daughters mucking it up in my wife's and my waders:
Fall's nigh, the big reds will be runnin soon, I am stoked
(edit, hope the pics work...)
Re: Did some fishin this past weekend - pics
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:07 am
by astrozam
Great pics Steve, that one of Scooter had me howlin, reminded me so much of my oldest Clara when she was that age. My other daughter maddy ( 14 ) has her hair very similiar to you're older daughter with the red shirt, and is always clowning around like that as well.
I'm not really familiar with your fish down there, what are the big reds? you don't by chance mean Salmon do you?
Re: Did some fishin this past weekend - pics
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 9:31 am
by astronut74
I'm pretty sure he's speaking of redfish:
This is not my photo, I just "borrowed" it off the internet... I'm still waiting to land my first far my most impressive catch has been ladyfish

Re: Did some fishin this past weekend - pics
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:51 pm
by kings-x59
That would be the fish SteveO. Notice the classic angler's pose, holding the fish out away from the body and closer to the camera - makes it look bigger.
Catching ladyfish is a challenge. I've caught a few small ones in the past. I've never seen a run of them like I did last weekend. One of them just about set my own hook in my thumb as I was trying assist in the hook removal. The fish took care of it before I could even grasp the hook. He also assisted in the 'release'.
Zam, (edit: man I'm half baked)
We call them "redfish", nothing "red" about them. The formal name is "red drum". They are fun to catch and very good to eat. And, they get BIG. If you hook into a big 'un on light tackle you feel like you've foul hooked a locomotive.
maybe this link will work..not sure
Re: Did some fishin this past weekend - pics
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:50 pm
by astrozam
Def not Salmon,lol... thanks for the pics SteveO and Steve, they look alot like freshwater drum only bigger, look like lots of fun.

Re: Did some fishin this past weekend - pics
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 6:54 pm
by lockdoc
That place is pretty awesome looking.
Re: Did some fishin this past weekend - pics
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:37 pm
by kings-x59
I like it. I went through a slump for a while where every time I went down I spent more time fixing s**t than chilling. (kinda like owning a strofari, ain't it?) Sad thing though, the McMansion people have started to move into the area, fixing stuff up and all, dropping half a million into a site. The store in the pic now has a multilevel deck and docks and has lost all its redneck charm. Irony is that they've had trouble getting their permit to replace the underground fuel tanks, and so they have no gas. the only other place to get marine gas on the creek has some issue as well, so there is no gas on the creek at all. We've been hauling it in - 5 gallon cans. Although, hasn't been much of a problem this summer since the big boat ate its lower drive unit (which is sitting in my garage, similar to your differential taking a major dump). The john boat won't fish many people, but to my way of thinking, that's not a bad thing. The saline level in my blood has resurfaced. As fall burgeons, I may not be around much on the weekends (while my northern brethren plow the snow) The big fish will be in the shallow bay, and the lower drive unit will be rebuilt by end of day this Sunday. I have mosquito bites, horse fly bites, a bit of sunburn, sore muscles in funny places from casting and I haven't felt this good in I don't know when.
Re: Did some fishin this past weekend - pics
Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 7:49 pm
by astrozam
kings-x59 wrote: The john boat won't fish many people, but to my way of thinking, that's not a bad thing.
Amen brother

Re: Did some fishin this past weekend - pics
Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 9:39 am
by phr1$k37
Darn I cant see the photos at work!
I bet they are good ...
Kidz always bring life to anything. They rock!
Re: Did some fishin this past weekend - pics
Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 4:19 pm
by Rebel
Man,,that place on the backwater is to much. I'm moving there now.

Re: Did some fishin this past weekend - pics
Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 5:40 pm
by kings-x59
lots of kayak paddlers down here Reb...
I've got two tupperware boats myself. We paddle them for fun though, not set up for fishing.
I suspect you'd feel right at home, not much different from the 96 I suspect, mosquitos, horseflies, 98% humidity, torrential rain, hurricanes, occasional tornado.
Re: Did some fishin this past weekend - pics
Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:14 pm
by Rebel
I suspect you'd feel right at home, not much different from the 96 I suspect, mosquitos, horseflies, 98% humidity, torrential rain, hurricanes, occasional tornado.
Sounds like home to me Steve.