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Please help

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:55 pm
by 1Gary
The van I am talking about is a 1994 Lt Astro with a "w" engine.I went to get gas towing my vendor trailer to take the trailer to the garage I rented.I shut off the van and pumped my gas and when I went to restart it all I got was a clicking sound at the base of the steering column.The dash lights go out when I try to start the van along with the clicking sound,but the headlights do not dim at all and the rest of the lighting seems normal.The starter will not engage at all,in fact the starter doesn't do anything.I tried to jump start it and no change.I jacked the van up and banged on the starter with a jack handle and still no change.Just a clicking sound at the base of the steering column with the dash lights going off.

Some of the possibilities I thought of are:

The ignition switch??.I did consider that is what I am hearing clicking through.

Starter relay??.I don't know which one is the starter relay.Is the one closest to the fender,or the one in the middle,or the one closest to the engine??.

The starter/solenoid??.The van as of late was laboring alittle while starting,but I thought it was a battery going bad.I didn't try to load test the battery yet.But without the headlights not dimming while trying to start I now don't think it is the battery.Looks like a real bear to try to cross the solenoid.Anyone have any suggestions the best way to reach that??.

The thing is on limited funds this wk,it would be a very expensive tow.The 94 is the only van I have to tow with and the trailer that is attached to it I have tons of money invested into that.The Hess station is allowing it to be parked there overnite,but wants it gone tomorrow.

I'll try whatever you guys suggest.Being stranded I am kind of desperate.

Thank You for your help.

Re: Please help

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:44 pm
by rlsllc
Ignition switch, neutral saftey switch (also on the column, try moving the shifter around), I think the wire that actually engages the starter is yellow or purple (IIRC), and is on both switches. If you connect after the switches (on the lower part of the column), you can send 12+ to the starter with that wire and it will crank, key on or off.

Kinda sounds like the starter or solonoid to me, could be the "click". It's not hard to do a starter, I've done more than one in a parking lot, lol.

When you say dash lights, do you mean the idiot lights (like ses, antilock, brake, etc), or do you have a digital dash?

Re: Please help

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:14 pm
by batmo
yeah starter solinoids do click when bad for sure.

make sure the battery cables are not corroded and they are tight.

you can also jump the starter with a screw driver. it will make some sparks but unless you have fuel leaking in the area no big deal.

just have the ignition on so when you jump the starter it will start (unless the starter is the problem)

Re: Please help

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:29 pm
by Smiliesafari
Gary, it sounds like the starter. If you hear the solenoid, then it is working. The lights working are not an indication of a good battery. Lights only require 12 volts. Very little amperage. The starter needs hugh amounts of amperage. If your attempt to start it with a jumper failed then the starter has likely gone bad. Don't overlook the battery cables. Corrosion can migrate into the cable insulation and cause what you describe. Just some random thoughts. Good luck.

Re: Please help

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:36 pm
by 1Gary
Roy-I have a digital dash.I turn the key to start and hear a distinctive one click from the bottom of the steering column and the dash lights go out,but nothing from the starter at all.

Could I jump the starter at the relay and which relay is the starter one??.

Re: Please help

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:04 am
by astrozam
Gary, Have a look at this pic ( from a how to replace starter that trybe did )

You will need to put a jumper ( wire or screwdriver ) between the top post and the large post ( batt wire ) key in ignition and turned on... but this can be a little unerving under the van.

However there is an easier way, just connect a wire from that top post and run it out to where you can easily touch it against the POS terminal of your batt, with the key in and on you should get er to crank over.

If someone can verify the above ( I just want to make sure its not the small post on the bottom, in the pic ) that the jump wire attatches to.

Re: Please help

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:02 am
by 1Gary
Thanks Keith.I'll give it a shot.

Re: Please help

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:33 am
by 1Gary
Any chance I can get to the starter terminals easier by removing the dog house??.

Re: Please help

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:43 am
by Rileysowner
I don't have any suggestions, but I hope you get it going. Keep us up to date on what happens.

Re: Please help

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:50 am
by ihatemybike
1Gary wrote:Any chance I can get to the starter terminals easier by removing the dog house??.
Not a chance in the world.

Re: Please help

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:34 am
by rlsllc
1Gary wrote:Roy-I have a digital dash.I turn the key to start and hear a distinctive one click from the bottom of the steering column and the dash lights go out,but nothing from the starter at all.

Could I jump the starter at the relay and which relay is the starter one??.
There really isn't a relay per se, the solonoid does that job, at least on most older vehicles.

The digital dashes do "go out" when starting, that is normal. I wondered if you were talking about the illumination, that could mean a bad ground in the dash or something odd.

I'd try a starter first, once loose connections and such are looked at. It's not bad to do, jacking it up and putting it on stands is the hardest part.

Re: Please help

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:03 am
by 1Gary
Well I actually went and bought one of those remote starter buttons(you know-two alligator clips and a button)from Pepboys and hooked that up to the two terminals of the solenoid.Well got nothing.Then I crossed the solenoid with a screwdriver and got nothing.I think I am on pretty safe grounds that the starter is bad because even crossing the solenoid won't engage the starter.

I got a friend to tow back my trailer,so that is resolved.I think even RWD's you can't flat tow(mine is a RWD)without risk of damage to the tranny.Am I right about that??.I seems pretty simple to drop the starter in these vans and I would hate to have to pay someone to put one in if I could get the van back here to work on it and I don't think Hess gas station would allow me to put in a starter in their driveway.I do remember pulling the driveshafts on both of my dolly tows because of the risk in tranny damage.

Re: Please help

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:30 am
by ihatemybike
A couple blocks at low speeds you should be OK to flat tow in neutral. Several miles and higher speeds you should disconnect the drive shaft.

Starter are actually pretty quick and easy to replace. Disconnect battery, two nuts to disconnect the wires, two bolts to remove starter. Reverse to install. Pretty sure I could swap one out in less than 10 minutes.

Re: Please help

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:13 am
by astrozam
Just remember they are heavier than they look,lol
Heres Trybe's "How To" ... p?album=16

Re: Please help

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:02 pm
by kings-x59
astrozam wrote:Just remember they are heavier than they look,lol
Forgetting this is how I managed to
ihatemybike wrote:Starter are actually pretty quick and easy to replace. Disconnect battery, two nuts to disconnect the wires, two bolts to remove starter. Reverse to install. Pretty sure I could swap one out in less than 10 minutes.
tear the lug off one of the wires, making a simple job into a pita :toimonster: