Today: Changed fuel filter ( just to eliminate that potential problem, and it hadn't been done in about 2 yrs ) didn't help any and now the van will almost catch but then stall, had a look at my cap and rotor ( as they have been a constant source of problems over the yrs, they were both very corroded and so i replaced those as well, still no better. Then I remembered i had a code reader so I plugged er in and got a code 32 which is one or more of the following...
Barometric pressure sensor cirquit failure
EGR valve diagnostic switch-closed during engine start-up OR open when EGR flow requested by ECM
Electronic vacuum regulator valve error ( Electronic vacuum regulator valve controls EGR vacuum
Now, I have been letting my van warm up for ( what some might call excessive periods, like 15-20 min ) during our recent cold spells, I do have a screen on my EGR and was thinking that maybe this screen is plugged up, so I gave the bolts a good soak in penetrant ( cause I don't need a repeat of my nightmare a few yrs back,lol ) and I will try to remove the EGR tomorrow and check to see if she is plugged up with carbon.
Any other ideas as to what may be the problem? if so, let me know