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Starting problems

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:22 pm
by manyon
Picked up an 1990 Astro RS a few weeks ago. Always wanted a 3/4 glass van. Pretty psyched. Ill have pics up soon. First thing to address is a starting issue. If it goes a few days without starting it takes a few seconds to turn over. When it turns, it idles a little rough and then its good to go. The guy I bought it from (an electrician) said the starter need to be replaced. He said if it went a bunch of days and wouldnt start up, he'd tap on the starter with a hammer and itd start up ok.

I was going to just put a new starter in but i wanted to check with the genius pool first. thanks in advance.

Re: Starting problems

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 2:38 pm
by astrozam
Welcome to ASV, sometimes the old tap on the starter will work but sometimes not and its def a lot easier to do when someone else is around which may not always be the case and besides the starter ( even if going bad ) would not cause a rough idle once started. Might be a good idea to do the standard tune up type stuff just so you have a benchmark to work from, new wires and plugs ( delco if possible ) new cap and rotor ( once again delco if possible ) change the fuel filter check the EGR ( it may be gummed up and not closed all the way on start up causing a rough idle ) If you have the funds then change out the starter to be safe.

I'm sure there will be other suggestions :cheers:

Re: Starting problems

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 4:06 pm
by astroturf
Welcome aboard. Look forward to the pics also.