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Vancouver olympics
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:41 pm
by Kidhauler
Am I the only one that finds it frustrating that we have spent around 6 billion dollars to host a 2 week party that is totaly dependant on snow and we don't have any.
I mean really what the hell were they thinking. We don't get much snow here!!! Maybe they should have gotten the summer games instead. It was so warm today I was working outside all day in a T-shirt. I think were screwed and will spend the next 40 years paying off the games and we will be the laughing stock of the world when people are skiing on hay and rocks. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
Re: Vancouver olympics
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:53 pm
by Cobra
i heard that snow was stockpiled in the mountains to be trucked down lol
Re: Vancouver olympics
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 7:17 pm
by reaper
Kidhauler wrote:Am I the only one that finds it frustrating that we have spent around 6 billion dollars to host a 2 week party that is totaly dependant on snow and we don't have any.
I mean really what the hell were they thinking. We don't get much snow here!!! Maybe they should have gotten the summer games instead. It was so warm today I was working outside all day in a T-shirt. I think were screwed and will spend the next 40 years paying off the games and we will be the laughing stock of the world when people are skiing on hay and rocks. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
Cant wait to watch skiers tree gardening down the dry hill & the bobsledders going
3.5 MPH down a grassy rock hill,sparks flyin' & all.
My uncle that was here from europe went to cypress & whistler & was
totally dissapointed,Lots of rain,no snow & everything is blocked off.
Kevin,lets go as volunteer Games security guards & steal a bobsled & tow it behind your safari
down Robson st at 60,i'll bring my hockey helmet.
Re: Vancouver olympics
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:01 pm
by tbhager94
ive wondered this myself, im proud to say i was born in calgary the host of the 1988 olypmics(the only olympics to profit so far)
Re: Vancouver olympics
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:52 pm
by thevalleyboy
in 88 we had to truck in snow for the Olympics also - typical Calgary - our weather didn't exactly cooperate either - that said - they did manage to put on a good show - however with the world the way it is... I am sure Calgary enjoyed MUCH lower security costs - I do wonder how much longer they think they can make these games worth while - my bet is at the end of the day Vancouver, BC, Canada are out big time money on an event that personally I do not give a shit about.
Re: Vancouver olympics
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:39 pm
by Kabey's Van
They have stock piled snow nearby and have plans to use a helicopter to fly the snow onto the mountain side.
Surely we have better things to do with our money.
Re: Vancouver olympics
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 7:04 am
by CaptSquid
If it was stockpiled elsewhere, some wanker must've trucked it down here, cuz we got beaucoup snow down here.
Re: Vancouver olympics
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:06 am
by astrozam
Any major event such as hosting the Olympics is nothing more than a glory grab for Politicians and those who believe that having the games makes their Country/state/province some place special to the outside world. It has been proven time and again that these events DO NOT benefit the host cities, and are a huge drain on the taxes and patience of the citizens who get stuck putting up with the event.
Re: Vancouver olympics
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:00 pm
by dilly
the torch just went by my house a couple of hours ago, i could care less

. here in the kootenays there's barely any snow as well, down low atleast.