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rear main seal leak?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:59 am
by LaGrasta
I bought a new drain plug and gasket and there is no more leaks at the plug finally. But now I see drops from between the engine and trans. Rear main seal, huh? My hope is to not replace that until I need to replace the trans (which works perfect). ideas, suggestions?

Re: rear main seal leak?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:21 am
by ihatemybike
Been there with a good trans. Personally I'd break loose, then tighten all the hardware for the exhaust system, cross member and the fan clutch, then early on a nice Saturday morning rent a trans jack and do the seal replacement. A friend to keep the engine from turning while you remove the torque converter to flywheel bolts will come in handy. With everything broken loose before you touch the trans the job is much easier and you won't feel as hurried. Once the trans is out of the way the seal is pretty easy to swap.

Re: rear main seal leak?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:52 pm
by sfeaver
Check the oil pan gasket. I thoght my rear main was leaking but it turned out to be the oil pan gasket..


Re: rear main seal leak?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:53 pm
by 6spd_monte
+1 on the Oil pan gasket. I thought the rear main was leaking on my wife's car and it turned out (luckily) to be the oil pan.
Whatever you decide to do, PM me if you need an extra set of hands.

Re: rear main seal leak?

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:13 pm
by SoCalli V8
When you replace any oil seal, always apply a thin film of Vaseline around the lip. Upon start-up, this lubricates the seal until the oil pressure comes up.

Re: rear main seal leak?

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:51 am
by LaGrasta
Thanks for the advice everyone. Be careful James of what you offer; you know I'll take you up on it. :cheers: If it's just the pan gasket, I'd be thrilled. I'll have to monitor it for awhile to better determine.

There are two rubber hose looking things, about 2 inches long in the area of the leak. I guess these are over-flows or vent-tubes, but I think the leak may be from there, or certainly near there.