Please read this:

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Please read this:

Post by markinnh »

Douglas MarsolaisSpamReply10:09 PM 1/24 HUGE VIRUS COMING ! PLEASE READ I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up for this virus! I checked Snopes, and it is for real. Get this E-mail message sent around to your contacts ASAP. PLEASE FORWARD THIS WARNING AMONG FRIENDS, FAMILY AND CONTACTS! You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open any message with an attachment entitled 'POSTCARD FROM HALLMARK,' regardless of who sent it to you. It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which 'burns' the whole hard disc C of your computer. This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list. This is the reason why you need to send this e-mail to all your contacts. It i
always tinkering with stuff

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Re: Please read this:

Post by ihatemybike »

Please check with before posting or forwarding stuff like this. This is an old hoax.

2005 Astro (Gandalf) - AWD, 4.3L, 3.42, 130k+ miles
1997 Astro (Grumpy - $250 Rally Van) - AWD, 4.3L, 3.42, LSD, 2" lift, 31" tires, 335k+ orig engine, $30 eBay fuel pump
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Re: Please read this:

Post by crash »

ihatemybike wrote:Please check with before posting or forwarding stuff like this. This is an old hoax.
i tried 7 ways from sunday to say that as nicely as you .... i ended up leaving it for someone else LOL.. no matter how i read it i came across like an ass LOL..
Rob Image

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04 Mazda 6 V6 5spd

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97 Astro AWD (selling by summer .. i think) SOLD
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Re: Please read this:

Post by rlsllc »

I plan to be buried in my van
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Re: Please read this:

Post by astroturf »

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I plan to be buried in my van
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Re: Please read this:

Post by crash »

what the heck is this now???

here's what we see in Canada when clicking that link

This video contains content from Vevo, who has decided to block it in your country.

very nice to see another thing that treats us like a 3rd world country [-(
Rob Image

current rides:
04 Mazda 6 V6 5spd

vans owned: Image
97 Astro AWD (selling by summer .. i think) SOLD
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I plan to be buried in my van
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Re: Please read this:

Post by astroturf »

crash wrote:
what the heck is this now???

here's what we see in Canada when clicking that link

This video contains content from Vevo, who has decided to block it in your country.

very nice to see another thing that treats us like a 3rd world country [-(
Try this link: ... ert.action

I sleep in my van
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Re: Please read this:

Post by rlsllc »

:canuk: :cheers: :usa:

Sorry. No idea on the Canada/Vevo thing. That sucks.
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I plan to be buried in my van
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Re: Please read this:

Post by crash »

thanks that one worked. this vevo thing is new. i was watching vevo videos on youtube not a week a ago
Rob Image

current rides:
04 Mazda 6 V6 5spd

vans owned: Image
97 Astro AWD (selling by summer .. i think) SOLD
99 Astro LS Sept 08 ASV VOM
94 Astro LT
93 Astro LT
96 Astro LT AWD * parts van*
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Re: Please read this:

Post by CaptSquid »

They should make the OP drive a F*RD as punishment.
Mike, Billings, MT, 'MERICA!
92 Safari SLE w/Z Motor (sold to a good home)
98 AWD Stro LS
93 Suburban Silverado 4x4

Look for the MISSING Alien in the Right Seat. AL, PHONE HOME!!!

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