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Engine Replacement 1995 Astro with a 1997?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:07 pm
by matthew_woodhead
Hello everyone this is my first post.. I have bought a Chevrolet Astro 1995, 2WD, Multipoint Fuel Injection.
The engine has a cracked block and the oil and water have mixed and the crank shaft has failed and beyond repair, bores are scored and I need new pistons. Parts in the UK are expensive and the van is not in the very best condition. The engine is out and I have taken the decision to purchase a second hand engine. (I have already purchased one s/h engine from ebay which was supplied by a not very nice person which is cracked also! I do have the bits on it to sell though)

My engine has a plastic timing belt cover, vortec written on the top of the rocker covers, but does not say vortec on the top of the air intake box. I'm told that only an engine from a 1995 Astro vehicle will fit mine, which I cannot find. My question is, will an engine from a 1997 Astro fit mine? Did the mountings, gearbox, ecu change? My dash is the old style and non-digital spedo etc.

The engine I have found is ... 768wt_1165

I have asked a specialist in USA and they say only a 1994/95 engine will fit a 1995 Astro... awwww

Does anyone know to a good second hand engine?
Or where to source parts to repair at a decent cost?

Be so nice to get her on the road!

have fun

Re: Engine Replacement 1995 Astro with a 1997?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 3:55 pm
by LiftedAWDAstro
The 96+ Vortec engines have a totally different injection system as well as ECM. The 95 is OBD-1 and the 97 is OBD-2. Your transmission electronics are different as well. You would need a complete engine wire harness and ECM and then I don't know if it would work easily. Others will chime in soon though.

Re: Engine Replacement 1995 Astro with a 1997?

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 4:13 pm
by matthew_woodhead
Thanks for this, you have stopped me making a costly mistake!

Its so hard here in the UK to find a good 1995 Engine and now I have two cracked blocks.. ah well hopefully one should come up soon.

Or I may have to have my block repaired, new pistons, bored and new crank..

Should be cheap lol

Once again

Thank you

UK on the England/Wales Border

Pistons etc

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:34 am
by matthew_woodhead
Thanks for your help.

It looks like the block will need to be repaired and new crank fitted, pistons, re-bore, head gasket & bolts, gaskets and new chain I guess.

Can anyone give me an idea of cost in the UK they are muttering about £1000 for the pistons alone!
The van is probably only work £2,000-£3,000.

Does anyone know of someone who exposts from the US to the UK at decent prices?

have fun
UK England /Wales Border :bounce:

Re: Engine Replacement 1995 Astro with a 1997?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:08 am
by Kabey's Van
Ah, a fellow Welshmen.
Hi Matt, and welcome to the forum.
Edelbrock deals worldwide, and they have pistons as well as a lot of other items for the 4.3.
Keep in mind the bore and stroke on the 4.3 is the same as a 350 sbc, 4.000x 3.480. The pistons and con-rods are the same.
A 1000 pounds for 6 pistons is outrageous.

Re: Engine Replacement 1995 Astro with a 1997?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:22 am
by astrozam
If you have'nt yet done so, the best place for info from a U.K perspective should be this place The members who pretty much all live in Europe should be able give you the best leads on parts, let us know what you find out.

We also have a member out in Cali who is from Jolly o'le England, he may be able to help as well with info on sources, I'm sure when he sees this post he will add his 2 cents :cheers:

Re: Engine Replacement 1995 Astro with a 1997?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:44 am
by 1Gary
Kabey's Van wrote:Ah, a fellow Welshmen.
Hi Matt, and welcome to the forum.
Edelbrock deals worldwide, and they have pistons as well as a lot of other items for the 4.3.
Keep in mind the bore and stroke on the 4.3 is the same as a 350 sbc, 4.000x 3.480. The pistons and con-rods are the same.
A 1000 pounds for 6 pistons is outrageous.

Peter-the 4.3's crankshaft is a split rod journal and the 4.3 rods are offset.For you to use a 350 rod it has to be machined.

From a Hot Rod magazine article:

A production 4.3L V6-90 is a true even-fire engine. Achieving even firing pulses in a V-6 engine with a 90-degree cylinder-bank angle required GM to offset the connecting-rod throws 30 degrees to produce 120 degrees of crankshaft rotation between cylinder firings. Due to the journal offset, V6-90 rods as viewed from the side are narrower than V-8 rods, as are the rod-bearing inserts. V-8 rods and bearings won't work on a production V6-90 even-fire crank. However, most aftermarket forged or billet race cranks use odd-fire cranks with common-pin (nonoffset) crankshaft rod journals. These will accept V-8 rods, although vibrations induced by the odd-fire cranks' uneven firing impulses create considerable vibration on street-driven vehicles (that's not a concern on a race car). Production V6-90 rods are satisfactory for high-perf and limited-production applications if they pass magnetic particle inspection, are properly rebuilt and polished, and are fitted with good ARP bolts. Custom even-fire V6-90 aluminum or steel rods are available from leading aftermarket suppliers. Although original even-fire V6-90 and small-block V-8 pistons have slightly different distances between the inner pin bosses, in practice, aftermarket forged-aluminum V-8 racing pistons can usually be used. Be sure to verify skirt clearance with the offset rod journals during trial assembly.

And the link it came from: ... index.html

Re: Engine Replacement 1995 Astro with a 1997?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:59 am
by matthew_woodhead
Thanks everyone for your great help!

I have my Astro 1995 Multipoint fuel inj. 2WD with vortec written on the top of the rocker covers and a plastic timing chain cover (without a crank sensor in ) It has a crack in the block oil and water have mixed, crank shot, bores scored and not at all well. It did run but bagged badly on piston 2 we think. The motor is out and alocal firm thinks they can repair the block.

Also... I have a 1992 Astro Engine single point fuel inj. AWD, bought in good faith but when dropped off it is apparent the block is cracked very badly on both sides (we just had a cold snap and the seller left it outside for 2 weeks with water in and no anti-freeze!.. never told me that) Anyway I believe the crank, pistons and everything is good in this engine as it ran very nicely prior to being removed.

Does anyone know if the crank, pistons etc. will transfer between the two? Assuming neither have been re bored?
Do I have anything here?
Don't want to spend a fortune as the van not worth a fortune...

Any suggestions will be very appreciated.

Once again thank you for all of your help for Matt on the England/Wales Border.. with snow!

Re: Engine Replacement 1995 Astro with a 1997?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:17 am
by 1Gary
matthew_woodhead wrote:Thanks everyone for your great help!

I have my Astro 1995 Multipoint fuel inj. 2WD with vortec written on the top of the rocker covers and a plastic timing chain cover (without a crank sensor in ) It has a crack in the block oil and water have mixed, crank shot, bores scored and not at all well. It did run but bagged badly on piston 2 we think. The motor is out and alocal firm thinks they can repair the block.

Also... I have a 1992 Astro Engine single point fuel inj. AWD, bought in good faith but when dropped off it is apparent the block is cracked very badly on both sides (we just had a cold snap and the seller left it outside for 2 weeks with water in and no anti-freeze!.. never told me that) Anyway I believe the crank, pistons and everything is good in this engine as it ran very nicely prior to being removed.

Does anyone know if the crank, pistons etc. will transfer between the two? Assuming neither have been re bored?
Do I have anything here?
Don't want to spend a fortune as the van not worth a fortune...

Any suggestions will be very appreciated.

Once again thank you for all of your help for Matt on the England/Wales Border.. with snow!
Matt-check out the link I left for you and I did a google search that I believe it stated there are changes from the older stuff and newer.

Oh yeah,you might want to look into engine re-builders sites like "Jasper" because they do sell crank kits.I suggest you have the people who are repairing your block to look closely at number 3 cylinder bore.The normal wear is out of round in the cylinder because of the off-set.Some are too far gone to save.

Re: Engine Replacement 1995 Astro with a 1997?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:46 am
by SoCalli V8
Hi Matthew, I can ship you parts at good prices I help out the guys at AstroSafari UK all the time, pm me mate. Image

Re: Engine Replacement 1995 Astro with a 1997?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:16 am
by Kabey's Van
Peter-the 4.3's crankshaft is a split rod journal and the 4.3 rods are offset.For you to use a 350 rod it has to be machined.

Having never torn apart a 4.3 V6, I did not know that. I do recall having read somewhere that these parts simply swapped over. My mistake, I should do my homework before I type.
At least the pistons are the same. \:D/

My next question however, is with all of the doubt as to the condition of the block why don't you put a V8 in it?

Where did you get the little flag waving guy?


Re: Engine Replacement 1995 Astro with a 1997?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:51 am
by 1Gary
The crossover of 4.3 V6's and 350 V8's parts is a common misconception.N/P.The V6 4.3's in stock form are a tough combo to beat.Do they have some design shortcomings??.Sure do,but over all they are a very good engine.I am still driving Ole Yellar while I work threw other projects to get garage space and that must have a billion miles.It is well worth this original poster to rebuild a engine for his van.

Re: Engine Replacement 1995 Astro with a 1997?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:52 am
by matthew_woodhead
Tell me more about the V8, what goes in?

Is this a major job?


Re: Engine Replacement 1995 Astro with a 1997?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:32 am
by 1Gary
Matt-do you have smog tests over there??.

Re: Engine Replacement 1995 Astro with a 1997?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:07 am
by matthew_woodhead
Sure do!

And its gets loads of cars!