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V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 1:50 am
by phr1$k37
Well I have asked a while back how to get more power out of my Safari ... of course I never got the time to do anything yet. I want to keep the AWD so I really would like to hear about the possibilities of dropping in a V8 under the hood vs adding a turbo to the strong V6 or to just clean her up, take a dremel and port her :p
So why now?
The weather is better and I have been cycling to work ... and my girl said "now or never" .. basically any major upgrades to my ride in the future is going to be nil :p
If I take the turbo route I can do the work ... dremel route ... I can do the work ... dropping a V8, way out of my league but if I figure it all out on paper I can go to a shop I guess - I have no fabrication skills at all hah ha.
What are your thoughts?
Re: V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 2:58 am
by SoCalli V8
Go for the V8 because the low down torque is the fun factor that gets your a$$ moving from a standstill. I am into 4ord 2.3ltr turbo motors also, I have one in my car and in my sandrail and they are alot of fun, but the power comes on at 1800rpm up, where as the V8 torque begins from idle. Plus I get better gas milage with my V8 than I did with my V6.
My 2.3 4ord turbo in my saindrail.
My 2.3 4ord turbo in the backround.

Re: V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:26 am
by Kidhauler
The other option would be a belt driven supercharger. But you don't have a lot of room under there. But if you put a 2 inch lift in you could get a roots type blower and bolt it right on to the intake.
Re building the V8 isn't the hard part any of us in the area could give you a hand with that the hard part is the computer swap. You would probably have to do a wiring harness swap and get a computer out of a camaro or corvette and run a ls1 motor.
Re: V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:54 am
by phr1$k37
SoCalli V8 wrote:
My 2.3 4ord turbo in my saindrail.
I remember your saindrial!!! Must be lot so fun in that. I can see why a higher RPM is nice on that, you are always on the throttle right?
Re: V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 11:58 am
by phr1$k37
Kidhauler wrote:The other option would be a belt driven supercharger. But you don't have a lot of room under there. But if you put a 2 inch lift in you could get a roots type blower and bolt it right on to the intake.
Re building the V8 isn't the hard part any of us in the area could give you a hand with that the hard part is the computer swap. You would probably have to do a wiring harness swap and get a computer out of a camaro or corvette and run a ls1 motor.
Hi Kevs! I thought about the Supercharger route as well. I do have the 2" body blocks in the front where I also cranked on the bars for more height but I gather it is mainly the 2" body blocks that will give me enough space.
I dont think there will too much pretty with getting the computer / wiring harness because there are a lots of resources online. The problem I though I had with the V8 swap was the tranny because I am AWD ... did I get confused with something?
I have to be honest. A few weekends ago I rode in a Typhoon. Goodness yes there a bit of lag at start but it was fun! Then the modded Syclone, that thing pulled harder than my Firebird!!! They both have introduced me to several turbo shops for parts.
I am still tossing up my options :p
Re: V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:57 pm
by mdmead
The EASIEST route is a 5.7 V-8. Jags that Run have the AWD mounts and if they don't have a modifed pan in stock, will build one. Plus they have the conversion manual. (Your stock trans and t-case aren't an issue, although the trans can be modified for performance/longevity.)
Any other route you will have to do your own engineering.
(Says the guy with the 5.3L parked in front of his van who still has to figure out mounts, wiring and a butt-load of other stuff!)

Re: V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 4:07 pm
by Smiliesafari
What Matt said. The V8 is the quickest, easiest, and least expensive.

Re: V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 5:11 pm
by T.Low
Tourque is King.
IMHO, the weight of the 2nd gen Astro plus your taller tires/taller gear ratio, the turbo will only give you grins at higher RPM's meaning higher speeds, where the van starts to get a little squirly anyway. And where are you going to find higher speeds in Vancouver?!! (Remember, parking garages and higher speeds do not go together)
You want the "traffic light to traffic light" pulling power of the V8. You want the "up the mountain roads with 6 people and gear in the van" pulling power of a V8.
With the talent you'll find at any given Vancouver Astro/Safari Meet and Greet, you could do it right there. You buy the beer and pizza, and by the end of the weekend, ShaZAM, you're pulling off the line with a beautiful V8 rumble, grinning ear to ear.
I would find out what it would take to get those guys to help you, thats an awesome amount of knowledge and expertise sitting right across the table from you at those meet and greets.
Re: V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:10 am
by phr1$k37
Okay. I have been researching and reading for the last 4 hours. I must have missed something before because reading on the JTR site ... THE 350/383/etc WILL BOT right UP! What!? I totally must have missed something. But I think the headers are the issue. Anyways. Wow - I have been an idiot! Hmmm. Time to find more information and figure out how to get this project rolling.
Heh. Yes we have quite the group of talented folks here, but everyone has family and work schedule. I will need to figure out a bit more first 
wOOt. I am like a kiddie high on sweets now! Wait a second ... I do not eat sweets ... ah the SafariAstro crack is back in my blood!
Re: V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:42 am
by mdmead
phr1$k37 wrote:
Okay. I have been researching and reading for the last 4 hours. I must have missed something before because reading on the JTR site ... THE 350/383/etc WILL BOT right UP! What!? I totally must have missed something. But I think the headers are the issue. Anyways. Wow - I have been an idiot! Hmmm. Time to find more information and figure out how to get this project rolling.
Yes, I forgot to mention the exhaust. If you aren't against headers, I don't think you will have a problem. I do recall that JTR and the other company (now defunct, name eluding me at the moment...) both say headers are required for the AWD V-8 transplant. I'm not a fan of headers on a daily driver myself due to horror stories of leaks and what not, but I also understand there are a lot of companies out there that claim to have the cure and I also know the quality of the header (flange) plays a BIG part. I've always thought if a person searched hard enough, there is a factory manifold out there that would work. Still, the 5.7 swap is the quickest, most straight-forward route to go.
Re: V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:59 am
by phr1$k37
mdmead wrote:
Yes, I forgot to mention the exhaust. If you aren't against headers, I don't think you will have a problem. I do recall that JTR and the other company (now defunct, name eluding me at the moment...) both say headers are required for the AWD V-8 transplant. I'm not a fan of headers on a daily driver myself due to horror stories of leaks and what not, but I also understand there are a lot of companies out there that claim to have the cure and I also know the quality of the header (flange) plays a BIG part. I've always thought if a person searched hard enough, there is a factory manifold out there that would work. Still, the 5.7 swap is the quickest, most straight-forward route to go.
JTR didnt mention the headers but I am sure it there will be some issues to clear the tight space under due to the AWD transfer case. We really will not know until someone does the swap and reports back
Hey just curious ... how much lighter is the newer 5.3L V8 than the original 4.3L V6? And when are you gonna get her done? 
Re: V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:09 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
phr1$k37 wrote:JTR didnt mention the headers but I am sure it there will be some issues to clear the tight space under due to the AWD transfer case. We really will not know until someone does the swap and reports back
Been done several times. The stock manifolds fit but you will have to trim the shock mounts. The t-case makes no difference as the stock Y-pipe stays in the same place basically.
350 V8 swap is by far the most simple swap. Grab a vortec 350, engine wire harness and computer and you would basically be ready for a swap.
Re: V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:16 am
by phr1$k37
Geeeepers! I should be working ... I love this AstroSafari crack!
Guess what I found? ... ?f=13&t=90
Posted: May 11 2003,11:21
These are the correct headers for the AWD V8. Flowtech 91830FLT
UPDATE: I have them now for my AWD. Hope they work! They come with an adapter so you can still use your flexpipe to heat the intake air and they have a provision for the O2 sensor.
Hey Lockdoc,
How did those headers running for you? I remember your ride was a 1994 right? Now I need to search to see what the difference in space underneath would have been and the t-case difference :p Mine is a 1997 so the t-case is the same in the Typhoon / Syclone (BW4472).
Re: V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 12:48 pm
by mdmead
phr1$k37 wrote: Hey just curious ... how much lighter is the newer 5.3L V8 than the original 4.3L V6? And when are you gonna get her done?

I'm pretty sure the 5.3L truck engine isn't lighter than the 4.3L, although I'd guess it is lighter than a 5.7L. I never really did any research on this.
Ah, when?... that is the question! I don't know. I had visions of it being done by the end of last summer, but obviously didn't make it. It seems with each new season, new projects take priority. You can bet though when any progress is made, it will be posted here on ASV!
Re: V8 vs V6 turbo? Your Opinions please :p
Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 8:44 pm
by reaper
phr1$k37 wrote:
basically any major upgrades to my ride in the future is going to be nil :p
Adding a new powerplant/computer /tune/etc is a major upgrade.....or did I miss
On the "other" website 97turboastro did a turbo 6 & it was quite impressive.
Just as quick/if not quicker than a stock/mild TBI V-8.
a 4.3 build would be great as it would be different & a bit "out of the box",
Do not get me wrong,I dig V-8's,but I think a 6 build could be allot of fun.
Your downfall to a 4.3 build locally is available parts,some would have to be ordered/shipped in,& finally cost.A mild streeter 8 can come in allot cheaper than a mild 4.3 streeter.