The story goes like this,
Stephanie Lost her best bud dog Quincey a couple years ago
& she was just torn up & heartbroken,So heartbroken she still cries
when we talk about him or look at old pics of him/us together.
Quincey was a Rhodesian Ridgeback/Rotty X ,Stephanie grew quite fond of
the breed & wanted another Rhodesian,Time went by,Work & life is busy
& Stephanie is slowly healing from her loss.
My plan was to find her another dog & suprise her with a new gift.
I looked around here & there & could not find anything,Until about a month ago,
I was farting around on C list & found an add for a Rhodesian Ridgeback/Sheppard X
To be given to a good home due to the owner could no longer take care of him.
No pics on the add,just minor details about the dog,Since he was Rhodesian
I called to see what the hubbub was about.A legit dog,with papers,ID chip,
Medical records,etc,I asked the owner to bring him by.
All goes accordingly & take him for a walk,etc & the owner is happy with me
& the surroundings I can provide for the dog.She hands him over & Thats it!,
We now have a dog!
Later Stephanie comes home from work & I told her about this gift to her
& immediately she's in tears & she's Ass over teakettle for Mikey.