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Reason 713 we love our van... how many do you have?
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:29 am
by rubberdown
Anybody else keep lists? We keep lists of 2 things, first is a list of reasons we're not having kids, it's over a thousand but #1 is that we are too selfish. (don't get us wrong, we love kids, when we borrow them!)
Second list is why we'll never not own a Astro again.
Let's hear some of your "love of the van" items!
#713 Mobile Home Theater.
We are lucky enough to have a drive in, that plays good new movies, and we discovered with the right chairs & 2 down jackets (all items stowed onboard at all times) that we get a virtual living room experience complete with killer surround sound by backing into the parking spot! Adjust your speaker fade to almost full rear (leave some volume in the front for full surround) and SHAZZZAM, a great movie experience!
Place down jackets/blanket over the top of the dutch doors, raise hatch, position seating!
Fade to back, crank the volume! And depending on your model, their are cup holders RIGHT next to you!
This technique is also great for watching sunsets over the pacific, sunrises on the Rockies peaks, or watching torrential rains flooding your tent out!
Re: Reason 713 we love our van... how many do you have?
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 12:59 pm
by Smiliesafari
I think I remember having recently seen a picture of two black fuzzy kids. :-k Whether you have kids or not is a personal decision. I have several long time friends that decided to not have kids and I have as much respect for them as my other friends who do. There's too many who have kids that shouldn't.
I don't have a list but the things that I like about my Safari:
1...It carries everything that I need to do the balloon.
2...It's comfortable
3...At 198K+ miles it still runs great.
4...It gets decent MPG.
5...Maintenance is relatively easy compared to some vehicles I've owned.
There's more but that's all I can think of right now.

Re: Reason 713 we love our van... how many do you have?
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:04 pm
by rubberdown
I'm intrigued by the balloon! How does one even get into it?? I have yet to go up in one, but it's on the list!
Re: Reason 713 we love our van... how many do you have?
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 1:15 pm
by Smiliesafari
Find someone in your area that flies balloons and volunter for chase duty. That'll get you in the door.
WARNING...WARNING...WARNING... It's an addiction that has no cure.

Re: Reason 713 we love our van... how many do you have?
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 3:55 pm
by rlsllc
I have no idea how many reasons, but I love and hate them at the same time. I guess the biggest ones for me are:
A clutch is an option on the older ones.
Some have G80 axles.
The AWDs have a driven front axle.
Rwds are easy to lower.
Other people just don't understand.
Safaris have the fancy red GMC letters in the grill.
Almost anything fits inside.
Familys can ride in comfort.
Anyone can work on them if they really want to.
Road or no road, you can almost always get where you want to go.
I am just drawn to them, like a moth to a flame.
Vans are just cool.
Astros are bigger and more truck like than any other down-sized van.
Newer ones have a longer nose and a V8 fits easier.
Swap in a small block, big block, or whatever you want, it will fit.
Re: Reason 713 we love our van... how many do you have?
Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:55 pm
by potskie
I do that exact same thing at the drive in in woodstock. Back er in spin the bench around and cuddle up with the misses.
Re: Reason 713 we love our van... how many do you have?
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:39 am
by Cobra
rlsllc wrote:
Other people just don't understand.
I don't understand why other people don't understand lol
I don't have a list but i do know why i bought one
1.AWD and good tires make it fun in snow
2.can go camping with 5 people in comfort
3.lots of cargo space can load ATV in it or skids of whatever i may handle
4.easy V8 upgrade
5.good towing capacity
6.can roll with trucks but with the right modifications you can handle like a sport compact (did i mention i tend to drive too fast

7.handles itself damn well off the beaten path (even and stock height)
8.troop transport :-k
Re: Reason 713 we love our van... how many do you have?
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:53 am
by mdmead
My top two:
The BEST snowy-road vehicle ever! I've owned 4x4 pickups and SUVs my whole life and while they may do better off-road, they don't compare on-road. AWD combined with the weight distribution of a van body makes for great stability and traction. (I've hauled ass on snow and ice in our van and never worried about losing control. Yes, I know it won't stop quickly...)
Pulling the middle seats out of our conversion van leaves lots of room for changing in and out of snowmobile gear. At 6', I can't stand up fully, but enough to make changing easier.
Re: Reason 713 we love our van... how many do you have?
Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:54 pm
by kings-x59
#1 even with cramped conditions, it's relatively easy to fix.
#2 No car payment
#3 it's inexpensive to operate (see #2)
#4 when people pull up next to me they expect to see it stuffed with a yard crew. Then they see me and speed away muaHAHAHAH

Re: Reason 713 we love our van... how many do you have?
Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:56 am
by reaper
I dig astrofari's why?
-Cause I can haul 2 engines & a differential in the back & a friend at the same time,(Cargo).
-The beauty of having two hoods to access my engine,The Hood & the Doghouse.
-Don't have to pull any seats out & leave them on the side of the road to carry something
-Never need a tent.....Ever!.
-Drive for hours & never have to fall out of my van & stretch my back.
-Drive my 900lb garden tractor in the back & close the rear barneys & go.
-Buy whatever at Ikea & load it in my van in an instant, No "If I move this seat & put this here,Maybe it will fit".
-It's not a ford.

Re: Reason 713 we love our van... how many do you have?
Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:24 pm
by rubberdown
You guys covered tons of our loves, especially never needing a tent! It seems the most common comment is "why nobody else understands". I have talked myself blue in the face telling riding buddies looking at trucks to look at astro's yet they still don't... morons!
But I look at it this way, the least amount of people "in the know" the better, gives us fleets of cheap ones to buy & pick over!!
Viva le Hastro!