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Squidster's Dream

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:29 pm
by Rebel
Had to send a few pics to our owner for the company web site so thought while I was in Photobucket I'd show you guys one of our big trucks from the dump division. At this time we're running 12 of these and around 150 tankers.


This is the 3rd trucking company our owner started Jan. 14th 2010 at 84 years old. His first was Poole Truck Line running east of the Rockies, sold in the early 80's with 1000 trucks and 3000 trailers. After being out of the business for several years he started Evergreen Transportation Inc. running the southern states with 450 trucks and 800 trailers and after 19 years, sold it. After selling the company to a couple of crooks who ran it in the ground and milked it dry, Mr. Poole bought what was left from the banks, now Evergreen Transport and made a profit the first month in business which was Jan. of this year. Is also when I returned as Terminal Mgr. at our Jackson, Al. location.
Just another story of a nobody who never finsihed high school buying his first pick up in the early 50's to haul sand around town to make ends meet to a man all who are in the trucking business know or have heard of.

Re: Squidster's Dream

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:46 pm
by kings-x59
That's one clean truck. new? or are they just maintained that well?

Re: Squidster's Dream

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:55 pm
by Rebel
Tractor is a 2010, dump trailer is about 8 years old. Just came off the wash rack for me to make pics. When Mr. Poole bought the company back, the equipment had not been washed for 3 years. Now all equipment goes through our wash rack at least once a week. Hauling limestone and gypsum doesn't work well with a clean trucks but is very important to see clean truck. It's a reflection of the company from top to bottom,,dirty trucks mean problems from the top down.

Re: Squidster's Dream

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 10:25 pm
by 1Gary
Larry-you just posted pics that i would think would make Pot's all hot and bother. :yikes: :yawinkle: :muhaha:

Re: Squidster's Dream

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 9:42 am
by CaptSquid
AMEN to that last one , Larry. A clean truck DOES reflect well on a company. You often wonder what kind of company runs filthy trucks and are they worthy of hauling your freight. I couldn't stand it when my truck was dirty and our wash racks shut down because of weather.