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98 safari 4.3 stall and no start

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:58 pm
by tyrone27
hi I have a 98 GMC safari and I have a problem with the van. When its hot outside after driving for 20 30 mins it will start stumbling bad and stall out. when i try to restart it its just cranks and won't start. I have to let it sit for 20-30 mins and it will fire back up and drive then do it all over again. I replaced the fuel pump a year ago and just replaced the ignition because I thought that might have been the problem. I have new plugs and wires too. Last time it stalled I did a fuel pressure test and it had pressure while cranking and I removed the coil wire and it got spark and the spark plug ware and that had spark so its good on the spark side from what i can see. so that leaves the fuel side. one guy told me it might be the injectors module is freezing in hot weather and stopping and when the motor cools down it works again. But the problem is the injectors are under the intake manifold so no way of testing them. Anyone ever had this problem? if it is the injector module how hard is it to remove the intake manifold to replace them? any write ups?

Re: 98 safari 4.3 stall and no start

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 4:58 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
I would look towards the coil. The "injector module" is in the ECM. No separate module. How are the cap and rotor? What is the fuel pressure at the rail? It must be above 50 psi or the van won't run.

Re: 98 safari 4.3 stall and no start

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:41 am
by tyrone27
going to retest fuel pressure today. cap and rotor are new. and i was getting good spark off the coil and distributor.

Re: 98 safari 4.3 stall and no start

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:45 pm
by tyrone27
OK a technician told me it might be the ignition module under the distributor took it off and I don't have one all I see is the hall sensor. But I replaced the module right next to the coil. And it worked for two days then acted up again. But I was told by the Guy that said injector module that I had the name wrong he was talking about the spider injection under the intake. I'm hoping to test fuel pressure tomorrow

Re: 98 safari 4.3 stall and no start

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 5:19 am
by rlsllc
X2 for the coil.