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fluid filtration

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 4:27 pm
by Cobra
so i was looking at my fuel filter yesterday and today and i'm sure it's about time to change it. I've been thinking for months about changing the type of fuel filter something like this ... r-assembly
i would need to know more about the fuel system though don't know if that would work the pressure is fine but is the max flow? and the fittings on our fuel lines what size are they?

Also for a long time i was thinking it might be interesting to upgrade my engine oil filtration with something like this

and also a spin-on for the transmission as well

any thoughts on the subject or has anyone done it yet?

Cobra (hopeless dreamer?)

Re: fluid filtration

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:31 pm
by Smiliesafari
I've thought of doing those mods but unless you are driving in some extreme conditions it's probably just a lot of extra work with not much positive gain. \:D/

Re: fluid filtration

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:49 pm
by Cobra
that's mainly why i keep putting it of is it worth the effort (well the fuel filter might be it's so rust i won't touch it) plus there is the added risk more things to leak or fail. The extra oil capacity can't hurt if i ever get to do a V8 swap i'll do it for sure, from the look of my oil after changes the damage has already been done but would still be cool i think

Re: fluid filtration

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:15 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
I wouldn't do the fuel filter mod. Not sure you would see any benefit there. Next time you do swap the fuel filter, go with a quality filter.

The trans-dapt filter kits are nice except the hoses suck. I put a single filter relocation kit in Lynne's Nitro and I had to remove the swivel fittings they use as the both started leaking. I just used some quality Parker Push-Lok swivel fittings since the hose is Parker brand. It has not leaked since.

A spin-on for the trans would be a great addition. You could then change it every 10k miles or so and then do the pan filter every 30k.

Re: fluid filtration

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:34 am
by Cobra
the only reason i thought of the fuel filter was because it would be much easier to change