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Vehicle is dying, fuel pump?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:26 am
by phr1$k37
Hi Folks!
So some of you have read my post in the "What did you do to/with your van today?" about how I had an "empty" gas tank and couldnt start up.
Well tonight I was 40kms away from home when she decided not to start again. So I banged on the fuel tank and the fuel pump energized. I had to do it several times to get the motor going. Less then 500m later she died, shut off, engine not running. I banged away and get her working.
Getting on the freeway was nerve racking and I stayed on the gas and brake. At a certain point the vehicle got no fuel and was burning off whatever was pumped in. How I know this is because I was going 100kph and it dropped to 80kph even with my foot pushing gently into the throttle. I down shifted to 2nd gear and she came alive.
Got home and thanked God I made it safe without it dying on the freeway and getting hit (witnessed 2 big accidents today).
So my questions:
- I have no engine service light / codes.
- I think Sparks, Wires, Cap and Rotor are good but I have not changed them in about 2-3 years?
- EGR should be clean ... the '97 have this purge thingy to keep it clean, I run 89+ octane, I running the motor in hi RPMs often (2nd gear) and use fuel injector cleaner.
- Fuel filter changed 2 weeks ago?
So in your opinion, is the fuel pump definitely going?

I figured if I am gonna spend time changing the pump I might as well do other stuff at the same time.
Oh yah - how do you re-energize the fuel pump? I noticed when I turn the key, it will only to do it once and that is it. Back in the old day I could use the throttle and force more fuel in.
Re: Vehicle is dying, fuel pump?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 3:24 am
by NotDadsW41
Sounds like it to me... I would want a fuel pressure test to confirm.
Re: Vehicle is dying, fuel pump?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:22 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
Yup she needs replacing. Definitely throw a fuel pressure tester on it first. You should check the wiring and relay as well to be sure something isn't amiss there.
Re: Vehicle is dying, fuel pump?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:53 am
by Rileysowner
Let me third that. It certainly sounds like a fuel pump, but pop a tester on to be sure, and make sure to check the wiring under there for the fuel pump as it can corrode and if you are under there anyway . . .
Re: Vehicle is dying, fuel pump?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:28 am
by phr1$k37
So basically if per say it was only the fuel pump I am quite lucky to have driven on it for another 1 1/2 weeks, die and be able to start up again. She still starts this morning but having work / school traffic in the morning I did not want to risk being run over while trying to bang start her.
Excuse the newbie question here but I must ask:
How do I do a fuel pressure test?
- Where is the fuel pressure test port?
- What pressure should I be getting at idle?
- hmmm I guess I need to ask someone to watch the gauge taped to my windshield while I drive?
- Does someone have pressure numbers while driving?
I want to do this. For years I have not been able to chase down she "bogs" some times OR has this "jerky" start though not bad but maybe it is the fuel system.
I really appreciate the replies folks.
Maybe after getting this all done I will enjoy the V6 even more hah ha. I have to be honest the power is good enough but like all other proud men I want more!
Re: Vehicle is dying, fuel pump?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:16 am
by 1Gary
Sure does sound like the fuel pump.Once you drop the tank,you might want to check out the frame ground that the fuel pump wire harness has as it is going back to the fuel pump.Also with the tank out/down take a look at the rear brake lines the run over the tank.Sometimes they rot out in that area.
Re: Vehicle is dying, fuel pump?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:08 pm
by Rileysowner
First my experience: When we purchased our '97 5 years back or so it ran great, but after a couple of months it started dying for no apparent reason. It would start back up a few seconds later and keep driving. We took it in since we had gotten warranty coverage from the dealer and they didn't think it was the fuel pump, but the wires to the pump were corroded (thanks salt on the road in winter) so they replaced those as far as they could, but when the go above the tank, they couldn't reach without dropping the tank. It ran afterward without dying for a while, about a month if I recall correctly. Then it died again. It restarted. I got home, took it in, and had it tested. They then thought it might be the fuel pump. I took it in to be fixed, and when they were driving it in to the service bay it died again. They whacked the fuel tank, and it started right up. The replaced the fuel pump. If whacking the tank got it going again, it is likely your fuel pump, and you are driving on borrowed life in it.
Second, the fuel pump test location is in the dog house. It is a shrader valve in there. Mine had a black cap on it I think, although not like one you would find on the shrader valves of the tire, but more like a cylinder. You need a fuel pressure tester and it will screw right one. Have a rag there to catch any fuel that may leak out. Once hooked up you can watch the gauge right there beside you. I can't remember what the pressure is supposed to be though, but I am sure someone will know or a search will show it as it has been discussed many times hear.
Re: Vehicle is dying, fuel pump?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:16 pm
by phr1$k37
Ah man ... I have to take of the doghouse to get to the port?
Blah.Okay. Will do and THANK you for sharing your experience. For a whole year or more I have been driving with weird stutter, hesitation, etc at start or at a mid-throttle and never could figure it out. Be funny if it was the fuel pump all this time.
Re: Vehicle is dying, fuel pump?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:45 pm
by LiftedAWDAstro
Pressure should be between 50 - 60 psi with about 55 psi at idle. It will rise slightly when revved up.
Re: Vehicle is dying, fuel pump?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:01 pm
by 1Gary
Fuel pressures from Autozone:
55-61 PSI (Pounds per Square Inch)
Vent the fuel tank vapors by loosening the fuel cap. Position the ignition switch and the A/C system in the off position. Install a fuel pressure gauge to the vehicles fuel pressure valve. Confirm that no leaks are present, and with the key on, engine off verify the PSI reading on the gauge.
Re: Vehicle is dying, fuel pump?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 2:33 pm
by phr1$k37
Thanks guys, much appreciated.
Fuel pump is ordered ... $469 :p Oh wells.
Re: Vehicle is dying, fuel pump?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:16 pm
by Kidhauler
Since you also have a bad habit of running the tank low you should change the fuel filter. If your filter is clogged the van will give you only part throttle as that is all the fuel it can get. Remember fill your tank at about 1/4 to avoid heating up your fuel pump and shortening its life span.
Re: Vehicle is dying, fuel pump?
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:13 pm
by phr1$k37
Kidhauler wrote:Since you also have a bad habit of running the tank low you should change the fuel filter. If your filter is clogged the van will give you only part throttle as that is all the fuel it can get. Remember fill your tank at about 1/4 to avoid heating up your fuel pump and shortening its life span.
Was that sarcasm!? The fuel filter is new ... and do not run my tank low - the proof was in last nights failure again heh he. Hey you know - I was thinking of giving you a call again

Re: Vehicle is dying, fuel pump?
Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 12:04 am
by phr1$k37
Fuel pump changed ... all is good

Thank you everyone who replied!