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Oil Pan / Cooler lines leaking ?
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:42 am
by stevieb
Hi Everyone, I'm new to the site, as well as a new (2000) Astro van owner. My first day of ownership I had to replace the fuel pressure regulator. Upon completion of that task I was reving the engine to clear out the loaded fuel and noticed a nice size puddle of oil under the van. After cleaning the oil and the underside of the van, I didnt see a leak anywhere. I let it idle for a while, but still nothing. Today I drove it around town and now I see traces of oil on the frame and what looks like might be the front of the oil pan. The chain cover looks dry higher up, so I'm kinda ruling that out, but does anyone have any experience with a problem like this? the original puddle was a nice size, so I am concerned.
Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated....Thanks
Re: Oil Pan / Cooler lines leaking ?
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:01 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
We don't hear of too many 4.3's leaking oil from the pan. Better check the oil cooler lines running from the filter housing to the radiator. They tend to leak a little. Maybe yours are shot. Other than that clean everything real well and run it around slowly to see if you can see fresh dripping oil.
Re: Oil Pan / Cooler lines leaking ?
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:11 am
by stevieb
Thanks, I was thinking the cooler lines, but it looks as though it's coming from where the tc cover and the pan meet. Unless the cooler line is spraying it that way. Another thought was with the leaking fuel press regulator, could it have washed into the oil, adding to it and building unwanted pressure in the pan, Thus forcing out a gasket ?
Re: Oil Pan / Cooler lines leaking ?
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:14 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
It's possible the oil level is too high from excess gas. If this is the case I would be changing that oil right NOW! If there is much gas in the oil you will wash the bearings on the crank real fast and you'll be looking at putting in a V8!

Re: Oil Pan / Cooler lines leaking ?
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 9:19 am
by stevieb
Changed it as fast as the thought entered my head... Cleaned up the oil and drove it around. Still found oil on the bottom of pan and frame.
Re: Oil Pan / Cooler lines leaking ?
Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:26 pm
by Rileysowner
I am voting for oil cooler lines. When mine leaked there was oil all over because the drips blow all over. I never really had a puddle underneath though. For me it was really clear it was the cooler lines because they we covered in oil and crud as well.
Re: Oil Pan / Cooler lines leaking ?
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 10:38 am
by stevieb
Update... I replaced the cooler lines, cleaned the undercarriage and oil pan, drove it and I still have a pretty good leak going on.
Re: Oil Pan / Cooler lines leaking ?
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:29 am
by Rileysowner
The best thing I have found for searching out leaks is a kit I got at Canadian Tire with an additive you put in the oil, glasses and a light which will cause the additive to fluoresce so you can easily see it with the glasses on and see where it is coming from. I traced down a couple of leaks on my Sunrunner that way. Put it in, run the engine, have a look. No idea where you could purchase something like that but it wasn't expensive.
Re: Oil Pan / Cooler lines leaking ?
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:31 am
by doyoulikeithere
Mybe you could try this.
Clean it all up again so you will be able to spot fresh leakage.
At idle, you Oilpressure doesnt get up at all, so maybe let it run at a bit of rpm in the driveway for 5 minutes or so, or a slow drive that gets the engine reved up a bit, but doesnt blow the leak all around. Shut it off and look around with a flashlight. I would suspect the cooler, it lines and all its fittings, then maybe a front crank seal? oil pan or chain cover. Oil could also be running along the lines from the filter, but dripping nearer to the front. Good luck Man, sometimes they can just be hard to spot right away, especially if the oil travels before it drips. PS i took off my oil filter, removed the cooler adapter, and put my filter back on . That certainly cured my leak, but now the cooler is off. Works for now, i dont work it hard.
Re: Oil Pan / Cooler lines leaking ?
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 11:35 am
by stevieb
I replaced the oil cooler adapter o-ring and the lines. It looks like it may be the front of the oil pan or the chain cover. seems to be in that general area.
Re: Oil Pan / Cooler lines leaking ?
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:11 pm
by Smiliesafari
My money is on the damper seal.
Re: Oil Pan / Cooler lines leaking ?
Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 1:55 pm
by doyoulikeithere
Yup, , the front crank seal would be my next guess too. Pretty easy fix too.