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Hi Everyone!!

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:05 pm
by dumb lady
Been way too long since I stopped in. I owe y'all an apology, been meaning to come by much much sooner. Everyone's favorite Wanker buddy :yawinkle: calls to check up on me every so often. And I always tells him I'll stop in here to visit, then I never get to doing it. Shame on me! :cry: I'm also still in touch with Larry Rebel, the Captain & a few others via email. Also hooked up with Skippy & recently Zam in facebook. But I miss chatting with all of you in here, too.

Have had so much crazy wild stuff happen in the past year or so. It's been the best & the worst of times all rolled into one. Cooked my brand new lap top in just over 18 months. :cry:
Oh & I've been wanting to post up a separate topic about the day our fish tank exploded. (That was a 150 gallons of laughs!) But worst of all Mr D/L couldn't find a job for the longest time. Then things got a little scary & And I kinda sank into a hole.

But it didn't last long cuz at the same time so MANY good & amazing things were happening. It's been wonderful beautiful, exciting & nothing short of miraculous. Just when things seem to be darkest, God sends a flock of angels to hover over you and, in secret, they work a miracle. One thing's for sure, I found that we are blessed beyond all imagining. No matter how bad things get, never ever EVER give up hope cuz we're surrounded by angels. And Mr D/L finally did get a job and we are eternally grateful for the secret angels in our life. :heart:

Anyhooooo I have so much more to talk about. Oldest daughter just got in last night here from RI & will stay a month. And we had our 'sorta daughter' here for three weeks before that. At the same time, Mom was not feeling up to snuff for a few weeks, poor thing. She was diagnosed with Gout, very painful poor thing. She gets pain shots so it's eased up & better now..
And... We're campaign volunteers for a kid who's running for congress down here. The primaries are around the corner & we're busy-busy with all that. I also sell our clutter & junk on eBay.
VAN is still alive but I'm sorry to say it's in a state of mess. Oy vay

I dropped a lot of my other online activities.... But I never meant to let ASV lapse, I just don't know what's wrong with me sometimes. :cry: I hope y'all can forgive me for being so unsociable. And missing all your birthdays, announcements, happy & or sad posts.

I'm glad to see Gary finally got a camera & is showing off his Old Yellar project!! <where's the rolling-laughter smiley at?>

Falling asleep now, but I'll be back to catch up with whatever y'all have been up too.
Good night everyone, God bless & (((((BIG FAT SQUEEZY HUGS))))) to all of you!

Re: Hi Everyone!!

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:26 pm
by mdmead
Wow, what a great post to find on ASV tonight!

Welcome back!

Sounds like life has thrown you folks a few curves but you have batted 'em out of the park anyway!

DON'T be a stranger around here.

Re: Hi Everyone!!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:35 am
by 1Gary
D/L-you are one of the shining lights on this forum and I am glad you found the time to stop by.Thank you for a update.

Re: Hi Everyone!!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:47 am
by Smiliesafari
No worries, Sweetheart. We still love you. :heart: I know you've been real busy. I'm glad things have turned around. Post when you can. We've missed you. \:D/

Re: Hi Everyone!!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:08 am
by LiftedAWDAstro
Glad to see you're still kicking! Stop by more's been pretty quiet around here. :muhaha:

Re: Hi Everyone!!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:14 am
by dunedog
Funny Chrissy, I was just down on the water in RI this pass weekend (Apponoag to Newport and out to Cuttyhunk) 'The Bay' is still beautiful.
Glad to hear from you and good also that things are on an upswing. Always throw a line here to let people know what is going on. You never know where those angels are flying........ :-$

Re: Hi Everyone!!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:17 pm
by astrozam
Welcome back Chrissy, you've been missed around here :cheers:

Re: Hi Everyone!!

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:50 am
by Rebel
Thar she blows. Your other family did miss you didn't they ? We knew it was just a test by you to see who'd miss you the most. :muhaha:
You are a special dumb lady,,ya know that ?
Take care and I'll catch up on what you had that was published and the other this weekend.'
If ya talk to ot left coast friend,,tell him hello.

Re: Hi Everyone!!

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 3:27 am
by crash
welcome back DL.. great to hear from you :D

Re: Hi Everyone!!

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 2:58 pm
by reaper
Merry Christmas :dunce:
Nice to see you around again =D>

Re: Hi Everyone!!

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:00 pm
by kings-x59
how the heck did I miss this post?
Welcome back DL, good to see you around again!

Re: Hi Everyone!!

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:33 am
by Rebel
It's a women thing,,she's just playing hard to get,,must be from around Narragansett. lol :yawinkle:

Re: Hi Everyone!!

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:18 pm
by Kidhauler
Hey D/L glad to see your back I was wondering where you went.

Re: Hi Everyone!!

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:06 pm
by dumb lady
Hi again gang! Oh my, reading back through your warm & wonderful posts...What a beautiful group of sweet folks you all are. Thank you so much for welcoming me back. I honestly don't deserve y'all.

Thank you Mr Mead. It certainly has been quite a trip! From the highest heights to the deepest depths & back up to the heavenly heights again. I am blessed to have wonderful friends & a supportive family. How is your beautiful family doing? I hope all are well.

Awww Gary, thank you for saying that. You are too sweet. I see you finally got a camera. =D> How kewl is that!

Hi Mr Smiley, thanks I miss chatting here with you too. BTW, I really LoVed that pic of you ballooning up north. I hope all is well with you & Cheri.

Hi Mr Lifted, kicking away I am! ....It's quiet here? Well, we'll have to fix that then. :guitar: I hope Mrs 'cakes & the kiddies are all well too.

Hi Mr dunedog, might my angels be here? A certain Wanker told me absolutely not. Please tell...I was very worried about my angels' well being & still pray for them every night.
On the water? ....oh mah gawsh that makes me soooo homesick! I was driving up through Apponaug all the time. A friend called today & told us our old house is for sale. I would go back to it in a NY minute. My husband loves Florida, though. You know, the same one who said he'd absolutely positively hate it. :rolleyes:

Hi Mr Zam & thank you, I thought of you & everyone here often. I am so sorry for not stopping in sooner.

Lol thank you Mr Larry Rebel :muhaha: I've written another letter to the paper since then. They haven't printed this one yet. You wouldn't believe the knives that are out to stab our guy in the back. The establishment down here is a vicious beast that's not gonna be easy to defeat. :swords:
How's the hot-rod doing? I have a lot of catching up to do. Coincidentally, I was speaking with our favorite Wanker buddy last weekend & he is doing well. Darren is a dear friend to all, & a real treasure to all of us who met him personally.
And yes, I sorely missed y'all too. I find it hard to get myself, sometimes, lol. :peep:

Hi Mr crash! It's great to be back! How are things over in your world?

Thanks Mr Reaper, Merry Christmas to you, too! :)
I see you have a tractor now... Whatever happened to your screaming, burning, undulating skull? :muhaha:

Hi Mr kings, thanks it's nice to see you too. How's things over in TX?

Hi Mr kidhauler, I went to heck in a hand basket for awhile, that's where I went, lol. And I got fat, too. #-o How's things up there in your world? I hope everything is good.

Anyways, I'm so honored y'all welcomed me back. I'm so sorry I didn't come by sooner & more often... I hope you can forgive me. Y'all are my family & I didn't mean to neglect you. I miss you all very much & especially miss all the fun we had together in here. Gotta catch up & have more new fun!

God bless & good night everyone.