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Any suggestions on a winter station wagon car???.
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:47 pm
by 1Gary
Might be some of your guys don't know about the term "winter car".What I am looking for is a winter car to use in the winter that is a station wagon.Cheap but reliable.Been out of the market so long not sure what to look for.A station wagon so if I wanted I could throw in the back a SBC xhort block or tranny or tow my vendor trailer.
Re: Any suggestions on a winter station wagon car???.
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:28 pm
by LiftedAWDAstro
Why would you want a small station wagon when you have an Astro? Tow your vendor trailer? You'll need a full-size wagon like a Caprice or Roadmaster...again, you have an Astro.
Re: Any suggestions on a winter station wagon car???.
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 5:25 pm
by Kidhauler
Um yeah Im with Lifted on this. No one makes wagons anymore that can tow anything and you sure as heck are not getting a engine in the back of some mazda 3 wagon. I would drive your van or buy a beater van.
Re: Any suggestions on a winter station wagon car???.
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 5:33 pm
by 1Gary
Dean,I am considering a change of kind of vehicle.I have been in trucks so long,I don't remember what it would be like to have a car to drive.I just can't give up the ability to move parts to finish up Ole Yellar or if I want to vend over the winter,tow the vendor trailer.I would sell off the 1994 LT.
Thanks for the suggestions.
Re: Any suggestions on a winter station wagon car???.
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 5:51 pm
by 1Gary
Kidhauler wrote:Um yeah Im with Lifted on this. No one makes wagons anymore that can tow anything and you sure as heck are not getting a engine in the back of some mazda 3 wagon. I would drive your van or buy a beater van.
I was posting at the same time as you.Going to ebay to see what road masters are selling for.
Re: Any suggestions on a winter station wagon car???.
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 6:49 pm
by rlsllc
Cars suck for anything other than moving people. Drive the LT. Really. I have a 1981 Monte Carlo for tooling around, and I often let it sit and just drive the Astro.
Reasons: You already have it; it is 16 years old, so really fits as a winter car (my AWD is a 94);
It can do everything you want to do; Roadmasters, etc, sell fast 'cause most have LT1 engines, the others have the L99 (i think) 4.3 V8, and are pigs.
Best reason, it's an ASTRO!
I do like to mix it up vehicle wise, so I understand the desire for a change, and I'm just messing with you.

Re: Any suggestions on a winter station wagon car???.
Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 7:12 pm
by 1Gary
Yeah-you guys are right.I looked on ebay and on craigslist which I think is a window of what is going on and it does like my best bet is to hang onto the 1994 LT.I should stick to my game plan and apply the money to the projects I have to do.
Thanks guys
Re: Any suggestions on a winter station wagon car???.
Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:15 pm
by Mr_Roboto
If it's running well just keep the LT. Trust me it sucks to move engines in a car. I have had no less than 4 in the back of my Contour as of right now and can't wait to get my Astro on the road again. Really close just not done yet. I should get off my butt and throw a swap thread up here some time.