I think it is the scourge of our youth.
The other day at where I work,we have the x-mas stuff out which includes
some of the kids toys,a little girl say about 3 or 4 yrs old came in with her
dad.I could see the wide eye'ed fascination by this girl as her father stooped
down.She would take a stuffed toy to show dad one at a time with a huge
smile.So this "dad".......what,he was giving his little girl his undivided
attention??.Nope.The whole time this short sighted selfish pc of garbage
was texting on his cell.You know how you get a feeling it is one of those
moments that you will never get back???.And it was late at night,so I
could tell is wasn't business he was conducting.His wife was with them,so
I knew it wasn't her either.She just wanted her dad to play.Man he doesn't
understand how fast kids grow up and how much at that age they learn.
What in god's name is soooooooo important for him to ignore his kid for
what turned out to be about 20 mins??.Yeah-one of those moments you
don't get a "do-over".Thought what his example taught his daughter too.
Like here is how to be a insensitive pc of crap to the people who are right
there with you,because your desires are greater than them.The ones who
should really count.
I don't own a cell phone and won't get one until I go back on the road for
my business.Even then,it's use will sparingly.
I had to get this off my chest and wanted to make the point to all you
guys who do own a cell.THINK,THINK.........about the people who are
around when you "think" that call is soooooooo important and be
sensitive.It is one(cell phones) of the most antisocial devises yet
introduced to our society.
Rant over.........well for now anyways.